Sunday, February 11, 2007

Beat the Press (really, please)

Atrios beats most to the punch as always but I have to chime on the utter effing lameness of the Sunday Pundolts. Gwen Ifill and Roger Simon both telling us that the Libby Traitor Trial is an "inside baseball" story that no one knows or cares about.....Uh, no actually.

It is probably emblematic in a larger context of what a sorry state the press has evolved to by largely dismissing the Wilson affair up until this trial started. Anyone who cared to look could clearly see a high level conspiracy carried out in the White House that was focused on keeping the war drums beating at all costs. Bush lied...Cheney lied...Libby lied...and they kept on lying until they had their war.

But Simon says it's a "nutty trial". I wonder if the tens of thousands of military families feel that it's "nutty"?? Probably some do but the ones that don't deserve as the rest of Americans do to know what levers were being pulled and who was pulling them.

So, don't tell me nobody cares because if that is your analysis, you are clearly a deranged half wit and should never, ever offer an opinion on anything ever again. If you cannot discern that actions of the Bush adminstration make Nixon look like a piker, you are an idiot. If you are choosing to ignore it, then you are shill.

Watergate supposedly required the "healing" of a nation if we are to believe the talking heads circa Jerry Ford's demise. What the fuck is it going to take to get over a period of our history that is exponentially worse than anything Nixon ever dreamed of?

But, yeah Roger..."its' just a nutty trial"....Asshole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY - I was swaering a my television yesterday when I heard Simon's drivel ... total AHOLE!

Russert is PU$$Y.