Thursday, February 22, 2007

As John McEnroe used to say:

YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS?? (from the WH Press Corp)

Q I'm compelled to ask you this question. Does the President have any Oscar picks, and has he seen any of the films?
MS. PERINO: Has he seen what?
Q Keep in mind this is coming from ABC. Has the President seen any of the Oscar nominated films, and does he have any picks?
MS. PERINO: Well, you know, I have not seen any Oscar nominated films. I don't think, personally, I couldn't even tell you what is actually nominated. But I know he and Mrs. Bush do enjoy watching movies, and I will check into it and see if I can find out. I don't even know what's nominated.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Here is an interesting short story I wrote. Take a gander.

The house creaked slightly as I rolled out of my bed. The oak tree shadow from outside my window fell over my room as I was reminded of my loneliness. The moon had just crept out form behind the passing clouds as I listened to the howling wind and watched as the shadows of the tree branches danced about the bedroom form side to side. Thud, shatters Read more...