An irreverent and frequently profane opinion forum promoting the appreciation of politics, sports, music & humor. Welcome are interesting stories, observations and commentary.
IN THE WESTERN DESERT, Egypt -- After nearly four months of running the equivalent of almost two marathons a day, former Hermosa Beach resident Charlie Engle has become one of the first modern runners to cross the Sahara Desert's grueling 4,000 miles.... ]
"It will take time to sink in ... but this is an absolutely once- in-a-lifetime
thing. They say ignorance is bliss, and now that I know how hard this is, I
would never consider crossing the Sahara on foot again," said [Charlie Engle],
44, hours after he and fellow distance runners Ray Zahab, 38, of Canada and
Kevin Lin, 30, of Taiwan completed the run at Egypt's Red Sea.
said the trio ran the final stretch of their journey, a portion that took them
past the Giza pyramids and Cairo to the mouth of the Suez Canal, on four hours
of sleep. Once they hit the Red Sea, they put their hands in the water to
signify crossing the finish line.
Engle, who worked as a television
producer for ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," moved from Hermosa Beach to
Greensboro, N.C., last year. A distance runner since age 14, he has participated
in other challenging runs through harsh terrains, including a 150- mile race
across China's Gobi desert and a seven-day, 125-mile race through the Amazon
rain forest.
Q I'm compelled to ask you this question. Does the President have any Oscar picks, and has he seen any of the films?
MS. PERINO: Has he seen what?
Q Keep in mind this is coming from ABC. Has the President seen any of the Oscar nominated films, and does he have any picks?
MS. PERINO: Well, you know, I have not seen any Oscar nominated films. I don't think, personally, I couldn't even tell you what is actually nominated. But I know he and Mrs. Bush do enjoy watching movies, and I will check into it and see if I can find out. I don't even know what's nominated.
Q So you're saying the President learned about this from The Washington Post?
MR. SNOW: I don't know exactly where he learned it, but I can tell you that we believe that they deserve better. And, again, Ed, this is something where I'd suggest you give DoD a call, because I know they've taken a good, hard look at it.
Q Tony, can I follow on that? As Bob Dole might ask, where's the outrage?
MR. SNOW: There's plenty of outrage.
Q Is there?
MR. SNOW: Yes.
“Attacks on coalition aircraft probably will increase if helicopter missions expand during the latest phase of the Baghdad Security Plan or if insurgents seek to emulate their recent successes,” notes the intelligence report, which analyzes the recent helicopter crashes.
"If we leave, they will follow us home...it's as simple as that".
You know, a few blocks away from this great chamber, when you walk in the snow, is the Vietnam Memorial, where half of the soldiers listed on that wall died after America's leaders knew our strategy would not work.
It was immoral then and it would be immoral now to engage in the same delusion.
That's why Mr. Speaker, sending more troops into civil war is the wrong strategy. We need to win the War on Terror and reasonable people may disagree on what to do, but most will agree that it is immoral to send young Americans to fight and die in a conflict without a real strategy for success.
The President's current course is not resolute, it is reckless.
What it suggests is that they're getting into insurgent hands through black market channels rather than through the Iranian government itself. (Consider: How many weapons in Iraqi insurgent and militia hands do you think were made in the USA?)
A closer and more intellectually honest examination would probably indicate a much higher percentage of USA, Chinese and Russian arms manufacturing origin. Let's not pretend that origin equates to state sponsorship.
“Next week,” Representative Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said, “we are going to steal their mascot and short-sheet their beds.”
Phew! What a relief. That board of four ministers appointed to cure disgraced minister Ted Haggard of his homosexuality has been meeting pretty intensively. And it turns out Haggard is now "completely heterosexual."
Rev. Tim Ralph of Larkspur, one of the four, said: ''He is completely heterosexual. That is something he discovered. It was the acting-out situations where things took place. It wasn't a constant thing.''
As part of his continuing recovery and presumably in the spirit of forgiveness and caring, the group has also recommended he leave Colorado permanently and go into a different line of work. "It's hard to heal in Colorado Springs right now," said Rev. Mike Ware of Westminster, another member of the board, "It's like an open wound. He needs to get somewhere he can get the wound healed."
-- Josh Marshall