Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Speech Quick Hits

More or less what everyone expected and hard to find anything that will rally people to the cause. Delivered pretty well given the standards set but very little substance of course. I can't say I heard any of the supposed "benchmarks" being identified or what action would follow for missing the goals.

Anbar Province was pointed to as the hotbed of Al Queda (sp) and the most likely threat for terrorist bases and hostile held territory so we are sending 4000 troops...everyone else to Baghdad....sounds familiar so far.

Intimating that the Malaki gov. will now be able to help control the violence is disingenuous to say the least. There is zero evidence that Iraqi's weak gov. can have that kind of impact. All of a sudden, it is gonna happen based on what...asking nicely?...asking not nicely?

At the start of this mess Bush did not listen to military experts and the predictable results came to pass...again he is not listening to military experts as he treats the troops like tackling dummies for his misguided fiasco.

One comment about achieving a democracy in Iraq that can defend it's territory was coupled with the remark about also being responsive to the will of the people...??? So it is high on the list for Iraq but not for us????

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