Friday, January 26, 2007

Honey, is that a cougar on my head?

An AP account of this story was far more descriptive....unfortunately I don't have the link. The gist was that the cat pounced without warning or any sound and had the geezer's head in it's jaws and was snarling at the wife. The old dude was coherent and apparently calm as well...he told his wife.."I have a pen in my pocket...remove it and stab the fucker in the eye" (literary license with the fucker comment). So the wife complies but notes that it did not seem to do anything and the pen was bending....THE PEN WAS BENDING! Hmmmm, could be walk away time but she whacked at the lion with a log until it let go. Then it stared at her with the husband's blood on it's snout and finally took off. Tough neighborhood but tougher wife...

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