Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Why must we drag out these architects of previously failed policies to seek their opinion of the current failed policy? Did Kissinger ever do anything for the US that we can be proud of as a country? Anything?
Al Franken is a Big, Fat...
via Altercation.
I'm looking forward
Hopefully, the netroots will shine some necessary light on this phenomenom this election cycle. Not everything a candidate says has some kind of "special" meaning and voters DO NOT have to be repeatedly told what they seeing.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Judy, Judy, Judy...
In hindsight, it's hard to believe she was taken so seriously in the run up to the war, and that she was able to advance the Admin's policy goals without anyone questioning her motives. A back pocket journalist for neocons with no discernible editorial oversight...she was pushing the most extreme scenarios on WMD's and it was all bullshit. She should be a pariah in our country for her part in hyping the cause for war in Iraq. How these people look in the mirror is beyond my comprehension.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Run, Curt, Run!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Marathon Blogging

Got back over 7 hours ago from a very tough 19.5 (est.) and am just starting to feel normal again. If there was medical attention available, I probably would have sought it. The 10 going out was pretty good then I was out in the hinterlands and the wind started to blow. I was in an area out by the the end of the runways actually and there is nothing there to break up the wind when it blows, you just hunker down a bit and move on down the road. Felt like crying a bit...thats when I knew it was a gonna be a physical and fortitude tester.
One of my balls disappeared for while which I think explains my recent groin problems...had knee pain, significant foot soreness, chest muscle pain, a effing bitch of a foot arch charley horse that I thought would take me down to the pavement, back spasms and basically finished with a palsy-esque flourish.
The salt deposits on my gear were probably sufficient to dress out a deer for winter. I also came very close to flipping out at more than a few people who rubbed me just slightly the wrong way.
Oh yeah, then I took my boy to his cousins birthday party solo because my wife has sick. Running around for 5 hours chasing a 2 year old is textbook long run recovery..........but I'm hitting my stride with my 3rd beer and I'm certain that the more I pursue that recovery strategy, the better I will feel.
Anyway, a today was a tester for sure but it brings me that much closer to my goal. It also tells me that I'm not quite there yet. I did however make a time of just over 3 hours surprisingly enough. It seemed like 6 or 7 at the time.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Honey, is that a cougar on my head?
So Many Good
versions of this song...Early Morning Rain.
Some others that come to mind in no particular order:
The Grateful Dead
Gordon Lightfoot
Air America Radio
Pottery Barn Redux...
Thursday, January 25, 2007
You have to give credit to
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Interesting Tidbit
The pathetic reality of that sarcastic observation is hard to fathom. Seriously.
Wolf and Cheney
Q All right, there's a lot of good questions -- let's move on to some other domestic issues. The whole notion of your long-time aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby -- he's in the papers, his lawyer now suggesting on opening day of the trial that he was basically set up by people in the White House to protect Karl Rove, the President's political aide. What do you make of this?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Now, Wolf, you knew when we set up the interview you can ask all the questions you want, I'm going to be a witness in that trial within a matter of weeks, I'm not going to discuss it. I haven't discussed with anybody in the press yet, I'm not going to discuss it with you today.
Q Are you -- but you've --
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Wolf, you've got my answer. You've got my answer.
SOTU Wrap up....
Very little "there" there as far as I can tell. I don't believe that Bush would ever seriously consider many of the initiatives put forth last night....if not for his current political troubles..even so it would be foolish to waste a lot of time on pipedreams.
- Health care? A non-starter in that format for sure
- School vouchers again? c'mon...
- Comprehensive energy policy?...8 ball says highly doubtful
- Guest worker programs? uh.....nope.
- Aids and malaria funding?...I'll believe it when I see it.
And of course the elephant in the corner....Iraq, the continuous clusterfuck that the idiot in chief doesn't recognize as definatively cementing his place in history as the worst president ever.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
His administraton however will always be remembered as the epitomy of failure and corruption... both personal and institutional. Even so, he remains reminiscent of an unrepentant kid who cracked up the family car and doesn't give a shit because he knows for a fact that he'll still have wheels available for the weekend trip to the beach. There is no shame, no remorse and no acknowledgement that things as they are only exist due to his own reckless and deceitful actions.
In related and I'm sure unwelcome news to the WH, one of the more fascinating stories that could have a dramatic impact on the country's willingness to extend any further trust to this administration is the Libby Traitor Trial.
There is a strong likelihood that publicizing of traitorous political tactics employed by the Cheney wing of the WH will further erode the thread-like support the Bushies are desperately clinging to. I'm of the opinion that the stomach turning actions by the VP deserve impeachment and imprisonment. Most Americans are unfortunately still unaware of the dishonest lengths that the Admin went to in order to facilitate this disastrous war. I don't doubt that most also would be shocked at the depravity of the deceptions. This trial may provide new insight to what is already an important and compelling story. The evidence may also validate some of our more cynical suspicions about the illegal actions of the Cheney gang.
The Libby Traitor Trial
Kevin has some info relative to that. Anything that makes Rove and Cheney squirm at the same time is good fun though...
Cheney is scheduled to be interviewed by Wolf Blitzer tomorrow. How much you wanna bet that either Wolf has been given ground rules that no Libby questions..or Cheney will say he can't comment on a ongoing legal matter and Wolfie doesn't follow up. The latter presumes Wolf even asks about it. That guy is a bootlicker.
Monday, January 22, 2007
SOTU Blogging...
Sunday, January 21, 2007
God boy follow up...
Then I would believe a bit more. Wouldn't you?
God Hates the Patriots...
Excuse me while I puke my guts out. God is rooting for the Colts?? Aren't we all God's children? I was rooting for the Colts in this game because I hate the Pats but .....can you "take it outside godboy"?
I guess I'll root for Da Bears, not because I hate religion but because I hate people who try to use it selectively to justify some random event. If this was predetermined by God, then why bother playing the game?
Why not retire and go build churches or something like that...what a bunch of total morons.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Pitiful SOU
Marathon Blogging...
Via Carpetbagger...
Mr. Rockefeller was biting in his criticism of how President Bush has dealt with the threat of Islamic radicalism since the Sept. 11 attacks, saying he believed that the campaign against international terrorism was “still a mystery” to the president.
“I don’t think he understands the world,” Mr. Rockefeller said. “I don’t think he’s particularly curious about the world. I don’t think he reads like he says he does.”
He added, “Every time he’s read something he tells you about it, I think.”
He tells you about it.......effing priceless.
Friday, January 19, 2007
For the Musically Discerning ...Mark Knopfler and Chet Atkins
Yeah, you're welcome...
Alberto Gonzales
You're a tool Gonzo...and when the Big Boys eventually need someone to throw overboard to lighten the load...guess who might that be?
Denny Dougherty
was an original member of The Mamas and the Papas.... passed away today....This was their signature song and I have to say it holds up pretty well. Denny's part was always great.
Down Goes Ney..
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Libby Traitor Trial
Dinesh (D'Douchesha) D'Souza

I especially like how he references "pundits on the left" without naming anyone. What do you call that again?.....oh yeah, making things up....
What a douchebag....
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Funny email I received...
Men Are Just Happier People--What do you expect from such simple creatures? Yourlast name stays put. The garage is all yours. Weddingplans take care of themselves. Chocolate is justanother snack. You can be President. You can never bepregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a waterpark. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Carmechanics tell you the truth.The world is your urinal. You never have to drive toanother gas station restroom because this one is justtoo icky. You don't have to stop and think of whichway to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay.Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress~$5000. Tuxrental~$100. People never stare at your chest whenyou're talking to them. The occasional well-renderedbelch is practically expected. New shoes don't cut,blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time.Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. Youknow stuff about tanks.A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. Youcan open all your own jars. You get extra credit forthe slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someoneforgets to invite you, he or she can still be yourfriend. Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almostnever r have strap problems in public. You are unableto see wrinkles in your clothes.Everything on your face stays its original color. Thesame hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. Youonly have to shave your face and neck. You can playwith toys all your life. Your belly usually hides yourbig hips. One wallet and one pair of shoes one colorfor all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter howyour legs look. You can "do" your nails with a pocketknife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing amustache. You can do Christmas shopping for 25relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
WH Press Briefing
MR. SNOW: I don't know. I think -- the question again is, does this send a signal that the United States is divided on the key element of success in Iraq. And I will let members of Congress express themselves, because I'm sure they're going to say, no, we're committed to success, and then they can elucidate on that point.
Ummmmm, Tony...uh, yeah...the thing is...ok, the country is not is pretty damed united in opposition to the current policy... and to Bush also..or anything associated with Bush...ok Tony?
One more thing...the enemy doesn't give a fuck about congress...really it doesn't.
The Bush interview on Lehrer Report
The painful smirking is back...
The definitions utilizing the word being defined?.. come on down.
Also, the tangent-chasing non answers come complete with deer in the headlights look no extra cost apparently.
The lack of any understanding to how badly he has fucked up is still astounding to me.
If it was a job interview you were conducting....seriously, you would feel compelled to fire your human resources person for bringing in such a dipshit to waste your time.
Kidding, right?
Monday, January 15, 2007
The companion to the "no plan" message is that Dem's aren't what? You want unified...look at the polls that show close to 80% of Americans opposing the escalation. Many of which I presume are republicans. Any journalist that reports this crap with a straight face should ashamed unless they are drawing a paycheck directly from the WH. Even if the Dems did not have a plan, that in itself does not validate the WH plan.
Look, I don't know how to fly but I do know that jumping out of plane without a parachute is not the way to do it.
El Busho
Sunday, January 14, 2007
People who..
Pancho and Lefty is one of the best songs...ever..I mean ever.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Marathon Blogging
Now, to the beer.....hmmmm...sweet, sweet beer.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Let's have an argument over...
what is the stupidest argument (?) between arguably the stupidest people ever...Both stories are from recent newspaper articles and I naturally thought they should be paired up in a cage match of ultimate stupidity...( I don't have the links but will try to find)
Alrighty then, here are your sides to choose:
- A man was stabbed to death in a bar by another patron after an argument ensued over which branch of the service, the Army or Marines were "better". Neither man was a current or previous member of the armed services.
- A man was shot (in Georgia I think) by his friend during an argument over the height of the recently deceased James Brown...aka, the Godfather of Soul.
I'm hard pressed to pick one over the other..they're both pretty compelling.
The Dealer

in the Garcia video is Ricky Jay a well known magician and card man extraordinaire. His show called Ricky Jay and his 52 Assistants features him flinging ordinary playing cards into watermelons accross the room. I guess he could embed one into your face if you crossed him in a poker game. He is also seen a lot as an actor in David Mamet movies. Funny looking dude but he's entertaining for sure.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Story worth
I think it is a given he is a pussy in real life but a big dog on radio....
Kudos to
Hang in there Bobby...
Mitch McConnell
Thursday, January 11, 2007Senate Republicans' filibuster threat could kill Bush's "surge" plan by John in DC - 1/11/2007 02:38:00 PM
Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is threatening to filibuster any congressional attempt to stop Bush's plan to escalate the war in Iraq. Only problem? He can't. And here's why.1. Filibusters kill legislation. They don't create legislation.2. In order to do his surge/escalation in Iraq, Bush doesn't need to STOP Congress from passing laws, he needs to get them to PASS a law - to the tune of $5.6 billion. That's the price tag of Bush's latest little escalation gambit.3. That $5.6 billion is new money - money that Congress must appropriate, or Bush can't escalate the war because he won't have the money to do it.4. That means Mitch McConnell can filibuster legislation until the cows come home, but all McConnell's filibuster is going to do is guarantee that the Congress doesn't pass legislation addressing Bush's escalation plan. Fine. If Congress doesn't pass some kind of escalation plan, then Bush won't have the extra money he needs to launch his escalation.5. So McConnell's filibuster threat is meaningless, and in fact, counterproductive. McConnell will in essence be doing the Democrats' work for them - stopping any legislation that would provide Bush the money he needs to escalate.Ergo, the overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose Bush's escalation plan have Bush by the balls.
From Americablog
Burrito Bros.....
Full Disclosure?
I think most interested observers are aware that the plan is a Kagan/Keene seems though that ABC should either engage a guest directly on that aspect of their participation or at least point out the clear bias before asking for an evaluation from them. the way, he thought it was a super plan.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Speech Quick Hits
Anbar Province was pointed to as the hotbed of Al Queda (sp) and the most likely threat for terrorist bases and hostile held territory so we are sending 4000 troops...everyone else to Baghdad....sounds familiar so far.
Intimating that the Malaki gov. will now be able to help control the violence is disingenuous to say the least. There is zero evidence that Iraqi's weak gov. can have that kind of impact. All of a sudden, it is gonna happen based on what...asking nicely?...asking not nicely?
At the start of this mess Bush did not listen to military experts and the predictable results came to pass...again he is not listening to military experts as he treats the troops like tackling dummies for his misguided fiasco.
One comment about achieving a democracy in Iraq that can defend it's territory was coupled with the remark about also being responsive to the will of the people...??? So it is high on the list for Iraq but not for us????
The Library?

Now if someone can tell Bush exactly where it is, he'll be able to give his speech...How much you wanna bet it's the first time he's ever been there?
Sneaky Pete RIP

Another Flying Burrito Brother has landed so to speak....pedal steel guitarist Pete Kleinow from the aforementioned passed away recently of Alzheimers.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Sutter vs. Gossage

Sutter is in the HOF...Gossage, not so much. I don't get it though because there is nothing I can see in their stats that really separates them...except Gossage has more innings pitched, more games, more strikeouts, saves and wins....see?
*** little bit of text reflow on the stats but you get the idea and the link is provided here
Bruce Sutter P
Pitching Stats: Next Stats >>
1976 Chicago Cubs 6 3 2.70 52 0 0 0 10 --- 83.1 63 27 25 4 0 26 73
1977 Chicago Cubs 7 3 1.34 62 0 0 0 31 --- 107.1 69 21 16 5 1 23 129
1978 Chicago Cubs 8 10 3.19 64 0 0 0 27 --- 98.2 82 44 35 10 1 34 106
1979 Chicago Cubs 6 6 2.22 62 0 0 0 37 --- 101.1 67 29 25 3 0 32 110
1980 Chicago Cubs 5 8 2.64 60 0 0 0 28 --- 102.1 90 35 30 5 1 34 76
1981 St. Louis Cardinals 3 5 2.62 48 0 0 0 25 --- 82.1 64 24 24 5 1 24 57
1982 St. Louis Cardinals 9 8 2.90 70 0 0 0 36 --- 102.1 88 38 33 8 3 34 61
1983 St. Louis Cardinals 9 10 4.23 60 0 0 0 21 --- 89.1 90 45 42 8 1 30 64
1984 St. Louis Cardinals 5 7 1.54 71 0 0 0 45 --- 122.2 109 26 21 9 1 23 77
1985 Atlanta Braves 7 7 4.48 58 0 0 0 23 --- 88.1 91 46 44 13 3 29 52
1986 Atlanta Braves 2 0 4.34 16 0 0 0 3 --- 18.2 17 9 9 3 0 9 16
1988 Atlanta Braves 1 4 4.76 38 0 0 0 14 --- 45.1 49 26 24 4 1 11 40
Career Totals 68 71 2.83 661 0 0 0 300 --- 1042.0 879 370 328 77 13 309 861
Rich Gossage P
Pitching Stats: Next Stats >>
1972 Chicago White Sox 7 1 4.28 36 1 0 0 2 --- 80.0 72 44 38 2 4 44 57
1973 Chicago White Sox 0 4 7.43 20 4 1 0 0 --- 49.2 57 44 41 9 3 37 33
1974 Chicago White Sox 4 6 4.13 39 3 0 0 1 --- 89.1 92 45 41 4 2 47 64
1975 Chicago White Sox 9 8 1.84 62 0 0 0 26 --- 141.2 99 32 29 3 5 70 130
1976 Chicago White Sox 9 17 3.94 31 29 15 0 1 --- 224.0 214 104 98 16 9 90 135
1977 Pittsburgh Pirates 11 9 1.62 72 0 0 0 26 --- 133.0 78 27 24 9 2 49 151
1978 New York Yankees 10 11 2.01 63 0 0 0 27 --- 134.1 87 41 30 9 2 59 122
1979 New York Yankees 5 3 2.62 36 0 0 0 18 --- 58.1 48 18 17 5 0 19 41
1980 New York Yankees 6 2 2.27 64 0 0 0 33 --- 99.0 74 29 25 5 1 37 103
1981 New York Yankees 3 2 0.77 32 0 0 0 20 --- 46.2 22 6 4 2 1 14 48
1982 New York Yankees 4 5 2.23 56 0 0 0 30 --- 93.0 63 23 23 5 0 28 102
1983 New York Yankees 13 5 2.27 57 0 0 0 22 --- 87.1 82 27 22 5 1 25 90
1984 San Diego Padres 10 6 2.90 62 0 0 0 25 --- 102.1 75 34 33 6 1 36 84
1985 San Diego Padres 5 3 1.82 50 0 0 0 26 --- 79.0 64 21 16 1 1 17 52
1986 San Diego Padres 5 7 4.45 45 0 0 0 21 --- 64.2 69 36 32 8 2 20 63
1987 San Diego Padres 5 4 3.12 40 0 0 0 11 --- 52.0 47 18 18 4 0 19 44
1988 Chicago Cubs 4 4 4.33 46 0 0 0 13 --- 43.2 50 23 21 3 3 15 30
1989 New York Yankees 1 0 3.77 11 0 0 0 1 --- 14.1 14 6 6 0 1 3 6
1989 San Francisco Giants 2 1 2.68 31 0 0 0 4 --- 43.2 32 16 13 2 0 27 24
1991 Texas Rangers 4 2 3.57 44 0 0 0 1 --- 40.1 33 16 16 4 3 16 28
1992 Oakland Athletics 0 2 2.84 30 0 0 0 0 --- 38.0 32 13 12 5 2 19 26
1993 Oakland Athletics 4 5 4.53 39 0 0 0 1 --- 47.2 49 24 24 6 1 26 40
1994 Seattle Mariners 3 0 4.18 36 0 0 0 1 --- 47.1 44 23 22 6 3 15 29
Career Totals 124 107 3.01 1002 37 16 0 310 --- 1809.1 1497 670 605 119 47 732 1502
Push the Bush
Big Mac

Some kind of
Monday, January 08, 2007
Ohio State vs. Florida
Don't know and don't care.....39 days till pitchers and catchers.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Wanna get high?
Hetch as is...
Hetch Hetchy

Restoration project is a environmental reclamation that would be an incredible engineering achievement. Hetch Hetchy Dam (not sure of the actual dam name)and valley was flooded for a reservoir that is now 400 ft deep. It is part of Yosemite National Park and the idea of the project is to drain the res to go back to the original and natural landscape.
My brief acquaintance is from a PBS documentary highlighting the area but I want to go in looks visually stunning and serene simultaneously...
Anyway, if you happen to be in the Yosemite area, you might want to check it out.
** pic is obviously pre-res**
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Fair enough...
"I have presidential ambitions, but they pale in comparison to what I think is most important to our nation's security. If it destroys any ambitions I may have, I'm willing to pay that price gladly," McCain said Friday, brushing aside scenarios of political fallout.
Shall we?
John, we hardly wanna know ya...
This quote from..
Linebacker Roselvelt Colvin says, "A lot of people have football knowledge, but they don't necessarily know what to do on the street if they had to change a tire. But I think he does a great job of instructing their offense."
....but as a Jet fan, I hope he is heavily involved in the Patriot Game plan.
Marathon Blogging
It's funny because when you do a 16's pretty effing far but it's not even in the neighborhood of where you need to go. From here after the mind games come in to play...and the physical demands increase exponentially. The sanity and stupidity questions more frequently enter the mind to reinforce the self doubt...then any injury becomes a threat. The thought of quitting can seem such a reasonable idea...but not an acceptable one.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Signing Statements
His whole life has been one of privilege that never included established parameters of behaviour. The family fixers were always on call to smooth over the boy's propensity for screwing up. And screw up he did...with remarkable consistency.....high School,, check....military service,, check...governing, check....
The fact is that Bush is the Barney Fife of politics...he has no idea that multiple incarnations of Andy's have been covering for him all along.
So, the signing statements are the new tool...the new Andy for Barn. This guy will never, ever, ever take responsibility for anything and the SS's are the new currency Bush is using for his personal "get out of (name the problem) free" card. His problem is that no one ever said no to him, ever made him pay a debt or more importantly kicked the shit out of him.
So when it comes out that many, many laws were broken by Bush, the fallback position will be the signing statements. He'll get away with it of course because he always has.
There should be more attention called to the legal phenomenon and the severe damage being inflicted by these my opinion, if the president actions are above the law..then the law doesn't hold real meaning to anyone else.
Hard to believe that an intellectual lightweight like GW could alter the foundations of the US constitution....
Personally, I still wouldn't trust him to properly clean up after my dogs. I don't think he is bright enough.
Something here is not like the other...
Republicans now: my hands are tied, it wouldn't be fair for you to take advantage.
Subtle differences that help you not be able to stand other human beings.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
D'Backs got their Johnson

Big Unit goes to Arizona for Luis Viscaino (right handed reliever) and a few minor leaguers to free up some Yankee payroll dollars and make space for Clemens to return to pinstripes. 42 days until pitchers and catchers.
I guess we

won't have Harriet Miers to kick around anymore. She has resigned as WH counsel effective Jan. 31. You have to admit there is something kinda creepy about her....she reminds me of some "cat" lady who has 60 cats living in a one bedroom apt.
Also, she once remarked that GW was the most brilliant man she ever met.....apparently she doesn't get out much (if at all)...probably home with her cats.
First Spitzer...
REPUBLICANS FOR HEALTHCARE....The latest news from California:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will propose that all Californian children, including those in the state illegally, be guaranteed medical insurance as part of the healthcare overhaul he intends to unveil next week, according to officials familiar with the plan.
....If enacted by the Legislature, his proposal would affect about 763,000 children who now lack insurance....That would be a small piece of Schwarzenegger's stated goal: to ensure medical coverage for all of the 6.5 million Californians who now have none.
Details are murky so far, but I don't think the mechanics of Schwarzenegger's plan is what's important anyway. What's important is that two of the Republican Party's highest-profile governors have now publicly endorsed the idea of universal health coverage for their states. In other words, some kind of universal, or semi-universal, healthcare has now been established as the rightmost bound of the healthcare debate.
Democrats should understand what this means: (a) universal healthcare is no longer some lefty fringe notion, and (b) the plans from Schwarzenegger and Massachussetts' Mitt Romney are now the starting point for any serious healthcare proposal. Any proposal coming out of a Democratic policy shop should be, at a minimum, considerably more ambitious than what's on offer from these two Republicans.
From Drum....
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Best done...
John Dean knows

a thing or two about impeachment...he also has an interesting take on the political reality of the presidential version of that procedure. His point is well taken that sometimes you have to attack problems from unexpected angles to be need to be willing to kneecap some of the more objectionable of the Bush gang so they can't come back and kick you in the balls for thought.