Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Via Atrios

we hear about a ISG smackdown by Russ Feingold on Countdown with Keith...effing A right Russ! What I'd like to know is exactly when someone going to do the projected casualties between now and the supposed metrics established by the ISG which by the way, we have zero chance of adopting?

10 US military KIA today...10 today. That's 10 families shattered beyond the grasp of any of us that do not have a human investment in this disaster. Multiple that by several to include the impact on extended families and close friends. Then multiple that by the soon to be realized 3000 KIA. Factor in another 30,000 of the wounded and psychologically impaired and only then does the scope of this insanity begin to take hold. The fallen heros do their duty despite the failures of leadership. Sadly, they will perish for the egos of old men too timid to fight their own generations's battles. So, another year or so of the same old, same old is going to destroy the lives of countless Americans and then eventually we'll pack up and head on out. Check out the Digby LBJ reference...I think it mirrors today situation pretty closely.

When is someone going to call for the enlistment of all the kids of the Iraq war apologists? We'll need more troops about that doofus looking one you never talk to he available?

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