Saturday, December 02, 2006

Rum Punch

Quick take Rummy's pre cash-in Iraq memo to Bush....the gist of the advice was to get the fuck out of there somehow but make sure that it doesn't look like it belongs in the loss column. Don't worry about the hundred K plus troops in harms way and the casualties sure to be taken in the mean time...just don't let us look bad in the bargain.....Hmmmm, seems kinda callous to me but I'm not a big time smarty pentagon guy who can see the big picture. Oh well...if I was to see a small picture, it would be a hospital room with most of the architects of this fiasco all suffering from incurable cancer and destined to die a painstakingly slow and excruciating death. It's too good for them of course but there is not enough pay back available for the damage they have caused.

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