Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Everybody knows..

That Krauthammer is asshole and I expect to disagree with him on just about everything but who knew I could disagree on matters of baseball?

His point about the pitcher as enforcers is well taken but a cursory read of his analogy reveals him to be a dipshit phoney as well. He is trying to impress with his familiarity with "inside baseball" codes of conduct.... but knockdown pitches are rarely (if ever) referred to as high cheese which is terminology more commonly reserved for fastballs resulting in called or swinging 3rd strikes high in the zone ....AND, are almost never thrown behind someone's head for fear of them backing into the pitch while trying to get out of the way.

I've never heard of a knock-down or purpose pitch ever described as "high cheese" and doubt that a truly knowledgeable fan would agree with any assertion otherwise.

My guess is that Kraut thinks that the stupid fucks who might still support the Iraq war escalation could be swayed by weak and inaccurate comparisons to tatics in baseball ...why's that Krautie.. because sports fans are especially stupid and if you convince them you're a regular guy who understands hardcore baseball, then they'll like you and agree with your position on the war?

Want to convince me you are a regular guy? OK, send your own kid to Iraq and don't bother with baseball analogies that only serve to highlight another subject that you are clearly ignorant of.

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