Thursday, December 28, 2006

It looks like the Ford

back story will be Jerry's views on Iraq and how aggressively the right will be in trying to marginalize his opposition to Bush's fiasco. Fat Boy Bennett already doubled down to start the ball rolling...calling foul that the previously embargoed WaPo Woodward interview is being published and effectively denying the righties a decent opportunity to undercut the former Prez....him being dead and all.

It should be interesting to see if this angle has legs and how much play the media is willing to give it. One thing for sure is that the timing couldn't be worse for Bush...with all his important "deciding" to do on Iraq, to have to take time out to praise and eulogize the former prez who is now on the record post mortem against the original policy. Ouch!

Here's the money quote from Benny Boy(lifted from Drum)
Since "decency" seems to be the watchword of the day and the consensus modifier for Jerry Ford (a view with which I generally concur), may I nevertheless be permitted to ask this: just how decent, how courageous, is what Jerry Ford did with Bob Woodward? He slams Bush & Cheney to Woodward in 2004, but asks Woodward not to print the interview until he's dead. If he felt so strongly about his words having a derogatory affect, how about telling Woodward not to run the interview until after Bush & Cheney are out of office?

The effect of what Ford did is to protect himself, ensuring he can't be asked by others about his critiques, ensuring that there can be no dialogue. The way Ford does it with Woodward, he doesn't have to defend himself...he simply drops it into Bob Woodward's tape recorder and let's the bomb go off when fully out of range, himself. This is not courage, this is not decent.

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