Thursday, December 14, 2006

By the numbers...

Is how most people measure things. Unfortunately in civil wars and insurgencies, body counts aren't an accurate metric of progress. Going back to the Vietnam era's practice of doing daily body counts is a pretty desperate and pathetic move by the Bushies. A Vietnamese General was once said to have acknowledged post war that the Americans had not lost a single battle in Southeast Asia....he said and I paraphrase..."that's true but it's also irrelevant".

I wonder if they'll start counting innocent civilians too...maybe someone could ask Snowjob whose column they go in. If we carpet bomb a village because we think there are hostiles there but wind up killing a few dozen friendlies...who gets credit for those DB's? Is it the bombs that killed them... (ours?)... or the diabolical insurgents that weren't there but caused us to kill others by proxy by making us think they were..(theirs?)...

We're gonna need a pretty big spreadsheet to keep track because this kind of war doesn't come down to just us vs. them. The thing is...the public no longer trusts these bozo's and nobody likes being lied to repeatedly.

Getting Joe Q. on board for the "new way forward" will be a herculean task and will be the equivalent of selling a brand new war. The resistance they'll finally meet is sadly late in coming.

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