Sunday, December 31, 2006
Damn you 2006!.....Because,
if I was paying close enough attention, I would've seen that the number of posts for this month were not only approaching... but close to hitting the exact number predicted based on the past month's history....68 in Oct, 68 in Nov, AND after apparently shooting a 68 in Dec., went to 69 at 11:33...can't leave it at that though because...well, it's an inconvenient number. 2007 Here we come.....
The Jets?
Have to say that at this point I'm as surprised as anyone of where the Jets find themselves. I'm a doubter for the most part when it comes to my football team because of the long and torturous history of heartbreaking. I am however laying down the kudos for a team that certainly didn't scare anyone early and probably still doesn't. Long and short is...if they beat New England (tall order in NE)...they play in San Diego. Win or lose in's a win/win for me cause I'll be going to a playoff game in SD. A city built for such an enterprise that happens to be within driving distance and luckily enough qualifies as a somewhat legal business deduction. Hmmmmmmm...SD playoffs....yeah.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Bush League
Why couldn't Bush attend the Ford funeral? Too busy dreaming up victory strategies for Iraq?...or too damn lazy and disinterested to be bothered? If you had to pick one...honestly?
Thank God Cheney was there talking about civilty..Big Dick, the paragon of good manners tells us how proper behavior should be more appreciated....what a douchebag. Hopefully there will be ceremony to allow Americans to spit on his grave someday.
Thank God Cheney was there talking about civilty..Big Dick, the paragon of good manners tells us how proper behavior should be more appreciated....what a douchebag. Hopefully there will be ceremony to allow Americans to spit on his grave someday.
Best Wishes...
to Bobby Murcer recovering from brain surgery to remove an aneurysm. Sounds like he is doing fine and I am remiss in not saying anything earlier. His eulogy for Thurman Munson was one of the most moving I've ever seen. His performance on the field driving in 5 runs immediately after the "Captains" death was remarkable. He has fallen off in recent years broadcasting but a great Yankee and he seems like a pretty nice guy. Hope he feels better soon enough to enjoy opening day 2007.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Gerald Ford
was I'm sure a good person, congressman, all round nice guy...I'll go along with that but....pardoning Nixon was not about "healing" the nation. It was about "heeling" the nation.
I do not buy the fact the electorate needs some kind of baby talk lovey kisses to get past a scandal of crooks running political machines. Crooks have been running said for centuries in one sense or another. The big P was about stopping the bleeding for the Republicans. It was not an act of self sacrifice, it was the act of self service. All the guys that grew up in that Nixonion mindset have come back to haunt the country once again. Why should we be surprised that the Cheneys and Rumsfields feel so free to do as they choose when the Pardon is available to them? Nixon's crew, Iran Contra guys...they are criminals and when you let them go the 1st time, they come back for more most times.
How about we stop treating actual voting adults as if they need some kind of special insulation from the crooked politicians we've elected. If they are dirty and they are caught....let the law take it's course..period. Don't fucking heel me and tell me I been healed..I know the difference.
I do not buy the fact the electorate needs some kind of baby talk lovey kisses to get past a scandal of crooks running political machines. Crooks have been running said for centuries in one sense or another. The big P was about stopping the bleeding for the Republicans. It was not an act of self sacrifice, it was the act of self service. All the guys that grew up in that Nixonion mindset have come back to haunt the country once again. Why should we be surprised that the Cheneys and Rumsfields feel so free to do as they choose when the Pardon is available to them? Nixon's crew, Iran Contra guys...they are criminals and when you let them go the 1st time, they come back for more most times.
How about we stop treating actual voting adults as if they need some kind of special insulation from the crooked politicians we've elected. If they are dirty and they are caught....let the law take it's course..period. Don't fucking heel me and tell me I been healed..I know the difference.
Hang'm High
Looks like they're gonna string up Saddam tonight. Somehow I doubt the event will have the impact and significance the WH foresaw when they got started on this. The media will try to make a big deal out of it and maybe even show tape (if available) but I believe the American public is indifferent to his fate.
Hang'm or don't..either way, it will not alter anyone's life here. It is also not likely to have a positive effect on anything occurring in Iraq. It will probably increase instability if anything in the short term so it won't serve any purpose that will help our troops...overall a net zero for almost everyone who doesn't have a personal revenge motive. The WH doesn't even appear to be trying to trot out the "milestone" angle because no one buys that garbage anymore. The boogie man has lost his mojo I guess.
Hang'm or don't..either way, it will not alter anyone's life here. It is also not likely to have a positive effect on anything occurring in Iraq. It will probably increase instability if anything in the short term so it won't serve any purpose that will help our troops...overall a net zero for almost everyone who doesn't have a personal revenge motive. The WH doesn't even appear to be trying to trot out the "milestone" angle because no one buys that garbage anymore. The boogie man has lost his mojo I guess.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
It looks like the Ford
back story will be Jerry's views on Iraq and how aggressively the right will be in trying to marginalize his opposition to Bush's fiasco. Fat Boy Bennett already doubled down to start the ball rolling...calling foul that the previously embargoed WaPo Woodward interview is being published and effectively denying the righties a decent opportunity to undercut the former Prez....him being dead and all.
It should be interesting to see if this angle has legs and how much play the media is willing to give it. One thing for sure is that the timing couldn't be worse for Bush...with all his important "deciding" to do on Iraq, to have to take time out to praise and eulogize the former prez who is now on the record post mortem against the original policy. Ouch!
Here's the money quote from Benny Boy(lifted from Drum)
It should be interesting to see if this angle has legs and how much play the media is willing to give it. One thing for sure is that the timing couldn't be worse for Bush...with all his important "deciding" to do on Iraq, to have to take time out to praise and eulogize the former prez who is now on the record post mortem against the original policy. Ouch!
Here's the money quote from Benny Boy(lifted from Drum)
Since "decency" seems to be the watchword of the day and the consensus modifier for Jerry Ford (a view with which I generally concur), may I nevertheless be permitted to ask this: just how decent, how courageous, is what Jerry Ford did with Bob Woodward? He slams Bush & Cheney to Woodward in 2004, but asks Woodward not to print the interview until he's dead. If he felt so strongly about his words having a derogatory affect, how about telling Woodward not to run the interview until after Bush & Cheney are out of office?
The effect of what Ford did is to protect himself, ensuring he can't be asked by others about his critiques, ensuring that there can be no dialogue. The way Ford does it with Woodward, he doesn't have to defend himself...he simply drops it into Bob Woodward's tape recorder and let's the bomb go off when fully out of range, himself. This is not courage, this is not decent.
Zito crosses the Bay Bridge
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Ford is Dead...
Everybody knows..
That Krauthammer is asshole and I expect to disagree with him on just about everything but who knew I could disagree on matters of baseball?
His point about the pitcher as enforcers is well taken but a cursory read of his analogy reveals him to be a dipshit phoney as well. He is trying to impress with his familiarity with "inside baseball" codes of conduct.... but knockdown pitches are rarely (if ever) referred to as high cheese which is terminology more commonly reserved for fastballs resulting in called or swinging 3rd strikes high in the zone ....AND, are almost never thrown behind someone's head for fear of them backing into the pitch while trying to get out of the way.
I've never heard of a knock-down or purpose pitch ever described as "high cheese" and doubt that a truly knowledgeable fan would agree with any assertion otherwise.
My guess is that Kraut thinks that the stupid fucks who might still support the Iraq war escalation could be swayed by weak and inaccurate comparisons to tatics in baseball ...why's that Krautie.. because sports fans are especially stupid and if you convince them you're a regular guy who understands hardcore baseball, then they'll like you and agree with your position on the war?
Want to convince me you are a regular guy? OK, send your own kid to Iraq and don't bother with baseball analogies that only serve to highlight another subject that you are clearly ignorant of.
His point about the pitcher as enforcers is well taken but a cursory read of his analogy reveals him to be a dipshit phoney as well. He is trying to impress with his familiarity with "inside baseball" codes of conduct.... but knockdown pitches are rarely (if ever) referred to as high cheese which is terminology more commonly reserved for fastballs resulting in called or swinging 3rd strikes high in the zone ....AND, are almost never thrown behind someone's head for fear of them backing into the pitch while trying to get out of the way.
I've never heard of a knock-down or purpose pitch ever described as "high cheese" and doubt that a truly knowledgeable fan would agree with any assertion otherwise.
My guess is that Kraut thinks that the stupid fucks who might still support the Iraq war escalation could be swayed by weak and inaccurate comparisons to tatics in baseball ...why's that Krautie.. because sports fans are especially stupid and if you convince them you're a regular guy who understands hardcore baseball, then they'll like you and agree with your position on the war?
Want to convince me you are a regular guy? OK, send your own kid to Iraq and don't bother with baseball analogies that only serve to highlight another subject that you are clearly ignorant of.
How nice of Joe
to extend an invite to Condi and I'm sure she'll be tempted
...but I'm thinking unless you whack her with a supoena upside the the head...she ain't coming willingly. It's kinda funny that Joe would think she would unless I'm missing something here.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Joseph Biden, the incoming chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said he has invited Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to testify during three weeks of hearings in January about the Iraq war.
...but I'm thinking unless you whack her with a supoena upside the the head...she ain't coming willingly. It's kinda funny that Joe would think she would unless I'm missing something here.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Getting ready to watch the Jets/Dophins on ESPN and am being subjected to the in studio gang that includes Michael Irvin. Why would anyone hire this guy? I've seen many clowns that are LESS clownish than Irvin. It completely ruins the fun of watching a game when you have that as part of the package.
....and the suit? I wouldn't wear it in a dark room by myself.
....and the suit? I wouldn't wear it in a dark room by myself.
Who's Counting?
Oddly enough the "internets" as G.Dub will tell ya will do some serious counting.....this site started in Sept 2006 and had 23 posts that month. Funnily enough in Oct. and Nov. there were 68 exactly. In the 50's right now for Dec. but will shoot for 68 exactly for sure.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Sunday Moaning..
Saw just enough to lose my interest this morning on MTP. Something about how the "world"..."country".."nation" needs religion because, something, something...yowsa...yowsa...ok, it.
Tell it to the crazy guy on the corner because he might give a shit.
Tell it to the crazy guy on the corner because he might give a shit.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Hard to say..
if current training regimen of drinking 1 beer for each mile run that day will pay off... it certainly seemed like a good idea on the recent 8 mile day when I instituted it. 14 alters the equation somewhat but nothing ventured and all that...
He ain't Heavy..
well, maybe he is but he ain't BB's brother...He is however a King....The Albert version though.
...with John Mayall's Bluesbreakers circa 1982. Do not miss the guitar work middle/end of the clip even if you need to fast forward.
...with John Mayall's Bluesbreakers circa 1982. Do not miss the guitar work middle/end of the clip even if you need to fast forward.
LA Marathon Blogging

14 miles this morning with lots left in the tank...very sore feet and somewhat "squishy" legs right now but that's to be expected. I guess I'm in with both feet metaphorically though and I'm looking forward to the journey. If I could have a race day similar to this morning's brilliant sunshine, dolphin spotting, wave watching experience, I'd be thrilled. Probably too much to ask..but check the pic from the El Porto link and you'll see what the views were this morning. It sure makes it a lot easier on the mind....honestly, you really have to enjoy these days especially knowing that the the mental obstacles will become formidable down the road a bit.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Shamelessly Stolen Dead
From New Years Eve at the Cow Palace..SF, CA...but Alterman tipped to it so...I figured it was ok.
Late Night Dead Blogging
Nice version of Ship of Fools....via Hartford, CT...circa 1974...
Saw the Dead in Hartford once but way later than this show...enjoy
Saw the Dead in Hartford once but way later than this show...enjoy
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Worth a Look...
I was just acquainted with this site. In my opinion, if Robert Scheer is writing on it...I want to be reading it.
Robin Trower
Live From Winterland circa 1975...Little bit of Sympathy
Hat tip to TBogg...that guy knows his music man....
Hat tip to TBogg...that guy knows his music man....
Rice on the side

Just not our side...Condi's on the Lehrer Report telling us that we "didn't talk or negotiate with the Soviets" despite all evidence to the contrary. She's trying to portray the current policy against attempts at diplomacy with Iran or Syria as consistant with previous US admins stated foreign policy... With very limited success in my estimation.
She added that any talking would lead Iran to an expectation of exacting a price for compliance to agreements. Huh? That's called successful negotiation..we're gonna ask for stuff too Condi.
A little back and forth, to and from...whatever you wanna call it...but don't expect telling people in no uncertain terms that this is the way it is gonna be is ever going to be a substitute for serious diplomacy. Telling folks FU is not policy..(Note to Condi and her man..check status of coalition in Iraq for reference)
Frameworks for lasting peace are not constructed quickly or easily but they do require cooperation. Without an overture that includes something constituting quasi-legal consideration, there will be no mutual interest in cooperating. If only one side is acting, there is no contract to agree to anyway.
Don't tell me that trying to talk is fruitless if you haven't tried and let's be honest...if you aren't doing it, how do you know what the result will be? Lastly, this posture looks more like a position of cluelessness than the hardnosed stance the Bushies imagine it to be.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
AM Presser
Caught portions of the Bush press conference this morning which appeared to me as combination of a trial balloon on Iraq issues and preview of the SOTU address. It was as always painful to watch the buffonish performance. He has become a caricature of himself and you can't help but cringe when witnessing these events. He really has no idea of how to behave or even act presidential.
Rasing troop levels is now going to be job one I guess and according to the LA Times the Pentagon will be enticing recruits with extra pay and bonuses. OK, fair enough but what about all of the troops currently in the service...I guess they won't be elgible for all that free money soon to be floating around. I wouldn't be concerned though, I'm sure they have a comprehensive and equitable plan. Can't wait to see it.
Rasing troop levels is now going to be job one I guess and according to the LA Times the Pentagon will be enticing recruits with extra pay and bonuses. OK, fair enough but what about all of the troops currently in the service...I guess they won't be elgible for all that free money soon to be floating around. I wouldn't be concerned though, I'm sure they have a comprehensive and equitable plan. Can't wait to see it.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I think I finally figured out what the "new" Bush plan will be. Stay with me here....He has always, always said that he will follow the recommendations of the generals with relative to deployment numbers and military strategy. That has been the mantra for years. So, now we find out courtesy of WaPo that the Generals aren't really that into the new plan for troops surging after all. Hmmm, that seems to be a bit of un-slippery wicket for the great leader. But maybe not... because everyone who has been paying any attention realizes that Bush has been lying thru his teeth about following anyone's advice. So, could be the new plan will be a change but it will wholly consist of not having to lie anymore about adhering to expert opinions and such. Bush will just ignore this new inconvenience as he always has but now he just won't lie about it anymore. You have to admit that it's a change alright. So, THAT'S THE PLAN! What bold, visionary leadership...takes your breath away doesn't it?
Monday, December 18, 2006
We must Save the Climbers!
At all costs? I'm rooting for these guys on Mt Hood as much as the next guy but at what point does a person take responsibility for their own fate? It always amazes me that unlimited resources are available to extricate someone from a predicament they themselves entered into willingly. Apparently the feds and military are rendering assistance as well as the State of Oregon. Who pays all these people anyway? I'm sure it is a comfort to the family that everything possible if being done to rescue them but it sure raises some eyebrows about regular people who are not mountain climbers and might need some assistance also.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Marathon Non-News
Long run cut short due to semi-emergency to the vet this morning...A good morning it was to turn 13 into 10 with temp down below comfy and 20 mile headwind for the return trip. A soaking shirt, freezing cold and sore tits are always a good mental prep for the big kahune and a reminder of the rigors of training. You have to be willing to put up with a lot... for little enjoyment if any, on days like today...they are the days however that make you both mentally and physically capable of finishing when it counts....
....oh yeah, the Dog is good for another couple of years. A fine specimen.
....oh yeah, the Dog is good for another couple of years. A fine specimen.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Exploratory Committee
feasability report on LA Marathon 2007 completion will be in as of Sunday...on a roll of 19 days in a row of 5+ miles...many of which were 5+++. Today is rest day but tomorrow is half marathon minimum. Sunday's condition should tell the story but but leaning heavily pro right now. Updates to follow....
Thursday, December 14, 2006
By the numbers...
Is how most people measure things. Unfortunately in civil wars and insurgencies, body counts aren't an accurate metric of progress. Going back to the Vietnam era's practice of doing daily body counts is a pretty desperate and pathetic move by the Bushies. A Vietnamese General was once said to have acknowledged post war that the Americans had not lost a single battle in Southeast Asia....he said and I paraphrase..."that's true but it's also irrelevant".
I wonder if they'll start counting innocent civilians too...maybe someone could ask Snowjob whose column they go in. If we carpet bomb a village because we think there are hostiles there but wind up killing a few dozen friendlies...who gets credit for those DB's? Is it the bombs that killed them... (ours?)... or the diabolical insurgents that weren't there but caused us to kill others by proxy by making us think they were..(theirs?)...
We're gonna need a pretty big spreadsheet to keep track because this kind of war doesn't come down to just us vs. them. The thing is...the public no longer trusts these bozo's and nobody likes being lied to repeatedly.
Getting Joe Q. on board for the "new way forward" will be a herculean task and will be the equivalent of selling a brand new war. The resistance they'll finally meet is sadly late in coming.
I wonder if they'll start counting innocent civilians too...maybe someone could ask Snowjob whose column they go in. If we carpet bomb a village because we think there are hostiles there but wind up killing a few dozen friendlies...who gets credit for those DB's? Is it the bombs that killed them... (ours?)... or the diabolical insurgents that weren't there but caused us to kill others by proxy by making us think they were..(theirs?)...
We're gonna need a pretty big spreadsheet to keep track because this kind of war doesn't come down to just us vs. them. The thing is...the public no longer trusts these bozo's and nobody likes being lied to repeatedly.
Getting Joe Q. on board for the "new way forward" will be a herculean task and will be the equivalent of selling a brand new war. The resistance they'll finally meet is sadly late in coming.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
We can dream can't we?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Let's table that until after New Years
So Bush who tells us that he is the "decider" is down for not trying to decide just yet. What's the hurry anyway...we've been bogged down for 4 years and will probably be bogged down for another 4 at least. No reason to get all busy about things. Hell, it's almost Christmas and that brush in Crawford ain't gonna clear itself, Captain. Chinese fire drill doesn't begin to give an accurate mental picture of the utter incompetence of these guys.
Kohut polls are showing that 3% of the American public believe that stay the course is the right approach....not much to hang your hat on. 76% believe Iraq is in civil war....can we put that one to bed now? or does it have to go 86%...96%. I wonder what the Fox magic number is? Probably only if the Shia and Sunni change their names to Confederate and Union and after a Dem takes up residence in the WH...that oughta do it for them.
Kohut polls are showing that 3% of the American public believe that stay the course is the right approach....not much to hang your hat on. 76% believe Iraq is in civil war....can we put that one to bed now? or does it have to go 86%...96%. I wonder what the Fox magic number is? Probably only if the Shia and Sunni change their names to Confederate and Union and after a Dem takes up residence in the WH...that oughta do it for them.
Pass it along...
If Hillary were to win the nomination and presidency in 08, that would make 4 presidents in a row who attended Yale. Isn't that kind of institutional bogarting?
Monday, December 11, 2006
C'mon....stop, you're killing me....

From todays WH Press Briefing:
Q Tony, two questions. On these briefings, is the President asking many questions?
MR. SNOW: Yes. It's typically his nature. There were some presentations, especially -- well, there were presentations both from State Department employees and also by folks on the provincial reconstruction teams. But on the other hand, he asks a lot of questions. And, you know, certainly not above stopping somebody as they make their presentation, asking a few pointed questions, and sometimes the conversation will move off in a different direction as a consequence.
Yeah, I buy that since Bush is such a nuts and bolts detail type of guy...
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Ken Adleman ( It'll be a Cakewalk....liberators, flowers, candy etc) is still insisting that invading Iraq was a good was just implemented badly. No argument on the last part but how can anyone maintain that the invasion was a "good" idea without being laughed off whatever pretentious TV set they happen to be on? We thought there was WMD? OK, but that was dead wrong...horribly wrong in fact and thousands now and sure to be in the future will pay with their lives for that mistake. Not everyone thought going to Iraq actually was a good idea then but anyone who thinks it was a good idea now should be locked up and never heard from again. Why does TV think these assholes are worth listening to anyway? Wrong on everything but let's see what they have to say now?...what for? to see what else they can wildly miscalculate? Fuck them, what they have to say has more to do with trying to cover their indefensible positions in order to maintain the pundit gravy train than contribute meaningful analysis. Tell the parents of lost soldiers how it was a good idea Ken...go ahead and do that.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Ethics are my Life...

he said between wheezes and sweat mopping ....before breaking out in hysterical laughter...."hahahahaha....are you fucking kidding me? Do you know how much I made on that highway deal? I'm rich asshole, and I don't need to fake it anymore. Anyone who didn't know Foley was trying to jump every Page without tits probably couldn't spell cat without some letter spotting.......uh, are you gonna finish that sausage?"
(I'm guessing it went something like that)
So....the Repugs amaze again in their stunning hypocrisy...when the values issue rears again, I hope the Dems don't lose sight of this incredible's on a tee for gods sake.
Andy's Coming Home
New Servers
This site has moved to new servers which will necessitate any contributors to re-register. The new software should make posting easier for future use. Sorry for any incovenience.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Just said I would look at it.....

Well, that didn't take long for Junior to start stomping his feet and holding his breath. But he is the president so he probably knows best...
Back to the Future?

Andy may be just what the doctor ordered for the Yankee pitching staff. You have to figure that a severe toenail injury or something of that nature will sideline Carl Pavano for the year anyway so there is an opening. Petitte has shown the necessary temperment to pitch in NY but has had recent injury issues of his own. Hell, it ain't my money, I say get'm.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Via Atrios
we hear about a ISG smackdown by Russ Feingold on Countdown with Keith...effing A right Russ! What I'd like to know is exactly when someone going to do the projected casualties between now and the supposed metrics established by the ISG which by the way, we have zero chance of adopting?
10 US military KIA today...10 today. That's 10 families shattered beyond the grasp of any of us that do not have a human investment in this disaster. Multiple that by several to include the impact on extended families and close friends. Then multiple that by the soon to be realized 3000 KIA. Factor in another 30,000 of the wounded and psychologically impaired and only then does the scope of this insanity begin to take hold. The fallen heros do their duty despite the failures of leadership. Sadly, they will perish for the egos of old men too timid to fight their own generations's battles. So, another year or so of the same old, same old is going to destroy the lives of countless Americans and then eventually we'll pack up and head on out. Check out the Digby LBJ reference...I think it mirrors today situation pretty closely.
When is someone going to call for the enlistment of all the kids of the Iraq war apologists? We'll need more troops about that doofus looking one you never talk to he available?
10 US military KIA today...10 today. That's 10 families shattered beyond the grasp of any of us that do not have a human investment in this disaster. Multiple that by several to include the impact on extended families and close friends. Then multiple that by the soon to be realized 3000 KIA. Factor in another 30,000 of the wounded and psychologically impaired and only then does the scope of this insanity begin to take hold. The fallen heros do their duty despite the failures of leadership. Sadly, they will perish for the egos of old men too timid to fight their own generations's battles. So, another year or so of the same old, same old is going to destroy the lives of countless Americans and then eventually we'll pack up and head on out. Check out the Digby LBJ reference...I think it mirrors today situation pretty closely.
When is someone going to call for the enlistment of all the kids of the Iraq war apologists? We'll need more troops about that doofus looking one you never talk to he available?
Report is obviously in and from what I have heard, the recommendations are that we really gots to get serious bout Irak soon! Fucking idiots....yeah, let's give it a few more years though, then we won't be embarrassed...Makes me want to puke.
Reyes wants to up Ante in Iraq
Is this guy seriously off the rez or what? I can't imagine that the leadership would be ok with those kinds of statements. Adding 20-30M add'l troops ain't gonna happen and if he still believes that fighting Al Qaeda is our big problem in Iraq then he is not the right choice for Chairman. Someone needs to get this Bozo in line pronto.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
An Honest Answer?

You have to admit that the bar is set awfully low for a no answer to get such high marks. That's where we are though...if you point out, we aren't winning in Iraq, then apparently you are some kind of straight talkin truth brigade. This is the same guy who couldn't or more accurately wouldn't remember jackshit about Iran-Contra. Anyway, he is approved unanimously...BFD...let's see what happens when the rubber meets the road...
Byrd (D-WV) asked if in Gates' view the 911 War Resolution OR the Iraq war resolution gave the president authority to invade either Syria or Iran...Gates responded in the negative. I highly doubt that position wouldn't change 180 if the issue comes up in realworld test. Once a Bush man....
A Little Slice of Baseball Heaven...
is what I would call the Yanks playing the SF Giants at AT&T Park in late June 2007. Book me a room at the Monticello!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Say it ain't so OB...

Saw Pat Obrien at the Arena club in the Staples Center before the Laker Game tonight. He's the TV guy who got caught all coked up leaving filthy messages for hookers that were subsequently played on Howard Stern's radio show. Supposedly he went the rehab/pennance route but I'm not buying....could just be me but the guy looked like he was trolling...keep an eye out for him to have a relapse sometime down the road.
"I have had a problem with alcohol. I have decided to take action by checking myself into an intensive recovery program. Overcoming this problem is a top priority in my life, and I am excited to return to work as soon as I am able."
Later, John...
Bolton is out at the UN..for good finally. The guy was like a bad penny...just kept coming back. Anyway, of course Bush was effusive in his praise for Crazy John and I'm sure will give him a medal at some point. I'm guessing that dispensing medals of freedom is the Bush method of keeping the lid on some of the nastier details of the Admin. Seems to work pretty good for the most part.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Rum Punch
Quick take Rummy's pre cash-in Iraq memo to Bush....the gist of the advice was to get the fuck out of there somehow but make sure that it doesn't look like it belongs in the loss column. Don't worry about the hundred K plus troops in harms way and the casualties sure to be taken in the mean time...just don't let us look bad in the bargain.....Hmmmm, seems kinda callous to me but I'm not a big time smarty pentagon guy who can see the big picture. Oh well...if I was to see a small picture, it would be a hospital room with most of the architects of this fiasco all suffering from incurable cancer and destined to die a painstakingly slow and excruciating death. It's too good for them of course but there is not enough pay back available for the damage they have caused.
Pig Pen & Janis Joplin
Turning on 20 minutes of Your Love Light...worth the listen if you have the time....they don't make'm like this anymore.
Grateful Dead 1969 at the Fillmore West in San Francisco, CA.
Grateful Dead 1969 at the Fillmore West in San Francisco, CA.
Rutgers vs. West Virginia
Friday, December 01, 2006
Not in Yet....

But am forming an exploratory committee to consider throwing my sneakers in the road for 2007 LA Marathon. I am approaching the 40 mile per week milestone (36 this week est.) that tells the body about future capabilities. Stringing a couple 40's together that aren't malt liquor is the 1st sign of successful training. A new course supposedly mostly downhill that goes point to point is intriguing. From Universal City passing Hollywood Bowl, eventually parts of Sunset Strip...the Colosium, Hancock Park and ending downtown at the Hall of Justice...could be very cool. It'll probably turn into a nightmare but still....nothing ventured etc.
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