Friday, September 29, 2006

Woodward Speaks/Media Listens (finally)

So Woodward has a new book detailing some of failures of the Bushies leading up the war and is now informing the fawning media about how bad the situation in Iraq is. They were all up in arms this morning how damaging it may be to the admin and expressed such surprise that the attacks on US were "out of control". Where do these assholes live anyway? I'm pretty sure that anyone who cared to look could reasonably infer that things are fucked up badly in Iraq. But here is Big Russ and his ilk breathlessly telling us that NOW there is someone saying that the admin hasn't been coming clean on the actual events unfolding in Iraq. So, until Woodward comes out with the obvious to anyone paying the slightest attention, it doesn't register with these people. It is supposed to be their JOB to find out what is happening and then tell the public in an unbiased and truthful way. I admit it is much easier to jot down whatever bullshit the WH gives them and then pass it along as if it was real news but WTF? They seem to just be realizing just NOW that there is a clusterfuck in Iraq that may wind up making Vietnam looking like Club Med. What a bunch of clueless fucks.

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