Thursday, September 21, 2006

Torture? We don't know about no stinkin torture....

The WH trotted out Alberto G. to comment on the Arar torture rendition case and he predicably absolved the admin of any culpability. He was "deported" per our countries immigration laws...Huh? Canada is thataway Bertie....He also said that he didn't know if he was tortured...not sure if he meant the treatment didn't rise to the level of torture (and what does these days) or that Arar was not to be believed. Either way G-man was most certainly lying and not making an especially good job of it. I mean the Canadian government voted unanimously to apologize to Arar but the US cannot admit that anything and I mean anything it does is wrong. I would think that people who support the administration policies would occasionally resent being taken for utter fools....wouldn't ya?


Anonymous said...

Ummmm............never mind.

JBG said...

where would they be without having distinctions without differences to fall back on?