Friday, September 22, 2006

Not a Hunting Dog for Sure

Pelosi was on Lehrer report with her familiar "deer in the headlights" performance. She was hawking the Dem's "New Direction" outline that included a promise to bring the Republicans into the process if the House majority shifts. I don't get it....After the car has been driven into the ditch, you're gonna ask the driver who put it there to help drive the tow truck to get it out??? The current majority is not going to change one iota if they retain contol...they still won't piss on the opposition if they are on fire so why in God's name are the Dem's promising anything other than to do the right things for the country. People don't give a shit if the parties' work together or not... what they care about is whether there is adequate opportunities for their families, realistic approaches to national security, a government that doesn't lie every fucking time it talks, and the idea that gross incompetence is not a good thing for this country. The Dems need to focus on the current failures of the administration and congress and forget about poorly thought out empty promises that no one believes or even cares about.

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