Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I guess that the retired Generals who testified about the fubar that is Iraq will be dismissed as shrill and grinding some ax or other by the righties. But you would think that somewhere, somehow, their sickening description of criminal negligence that brought us to the current disaster would resonate with serious people. The Fallows' "Blind into Baghdad" provides a coherent backdrop to the Batiste and Eaton testimony and confirms just how disgustingly bad Rummy and Cheney really were in ignoring any kind of post war planning. There is stupid, and then there is really stupid .....and then there is mind-numbingly unfucking real thumb up your ass stupid and these arrogant fucks are still in charge? At what point do the blind followers of the dipshit brigade start to think that maybe....just maybe, things aren't going so well. I really feel that if most Americans listened to the testimony of the retired military officers yesterday, there would be an acknowledgement that it ain't working....was never working before and ain't ever gonna work if the same jag-offs are still running things.

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