Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Big Benefit to Libby Verdict...

that I hadn't really considered is watching the righties try to spin. Victoria Toensing (sp)who takes hackery and right-wing whoredom to almost dizzying heights took to the the airwaves on the Lehrer Report tonight. It's always best when the script hasn't been fully worked out yet and someone who can't be embarrassed has to take one for the team. Pathetic Victoria is so oblivious to her lack of coherent argument that she doesn't feel shame or humiliation I guess.

It's hilarious...the sputtering was particularly prominent...and she appeared to lose her train of thought repeatedly...I have the tivo so I may go back and count lies for fun but...really, this was like a tutorial on how to ruin any last shred of political credibility and simutaneously audition for a new career in comedy...really astounding. Seriously.

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