Monday, November 06, 2006

On the Dole on MTP

They probably should have had some system to shut off mikes on yesterdays MTP with everyone talking over each other but the worst of them had be Lizzy Dole. Is she a complete moron or just old as the hills? Either way, she is so far over her head in national politics that it isn't funny. At one point she insisted on answering questions that had not been asked with prepared talking points. She had'm and by God, she was gonna use'm. She had to shout out that this was not a "rubber stamp" congress for Bush and Russert correctly pointed out that no one had raised that issue. Dole ignored the comment and proceeded to tell Russ that she wanted to "shoot that down right now". She was completely oblivious to everyone around her. I kinda felt sorry for the confused old windbag but no way should this lady be a US Senator.

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