Should be an interesting result either way it plays for Majority Leader in the House though I can't help feel that it could have been done better. Murtha deserves a lot of credit for his earlier than most and vocal opposition to the war and no doubt he's a tough SOB. That said, I saw the ABSCAM video (yes from 26 years ago Jack) and it is not pretty. I didn't see the same guy there that I take him for now but do we really need to supply ammo to the other side and the media before the 110th even starts? I don't know a thing about Hoyer other that seniority places him in line and he seems to have the respect of his colleagues and a decent haircut. Does Pelosi know something we don't?....she effing better boy and I'm pretty sure she does because I can't imagine she'd risk such controversy right at the gate. It's one thing to reward political courage and dispense the favors leadership endows but another to carelessly engender judgment doubts so early in the process. My feeling is that Pelosi is so rock solid sure that Murtha is clean (now anyway) and also convinced of his ability to withstand the coming shitstorm that she was willing to stake a good part of her rep on that choice. I think the more prudent approach would have been to lay back a bit and let nature takes its course with some gentle back room guidance. My guess is the favorite Murtha wins but I really don't have a dog in the fight.
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