Monday, November 13, 2006

100% agreement?

Russert's appearance on the Mon. morning wake-up show included his comment (paraphrasing) that the Dems have a "problem" because they don't have agreement on the plan for Iraq. Excuse me, but where the hell does say that Democrats need to be in 100% lockstep agreement on everything? The Repugs never seem to be held to that standard but somehow it is soooo important that the Dems all agree. Why?

The way that you reach consensus is by discussing the various viewpoints, weighing the positives vs. the negatives, risk assessment, comparative analysis...It's the political due diligence required to achieve any semblance of responsible policy. What got us here in the first place was a pre-determined conclusion not supported by facts and the only options ever considered were intended to reinforce the original flawed position. That is the W way but it should not be the Dem way.

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