Bruce Springsteen Growin Up Gaslight club May 2 1972
Hat tip to Alterman...too good not to post...
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Probably leave a small bruise...

I guess Maliki had a headache or something...could be something Sadr said (and followers did)....But he-he-he... it wasn't Bush's fault that's for sure. As far as muscle flexing goes, the Sadr-mon clearly comes up bigger here. He dealt the play, Maliki folds and Bush are funny that way.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Meet the New Old Boss?

Trent Lott, Newt...who's next? (note the puns aplenty)...anyway the mind drifts sometimes but my point is the Dems should be carefully cataloging this guy as he ramps up so his stated policy positions like "against free speech" can be trotted out at every opportune moment. Can somebody chop this guys legs off once and for all so we don't have to be subjected to such a human piece of garbage for the next 2 years? Please???
Take off Your Shoes and Set a Spell
Looks like ol' Dub gonna stay the course after all. Sez those troops are staying till the mission is complete. Gotta wonder what the Baker Boys will think of that seeing as the "study" was gonna help clear some of the cobwebs for the idiot son and help him to see the light. Way, way too much to ask and frankly anyone who is surprised that Bush insists on failure rather than admit a mistake hasn't been paying attention. The people who pay the price for Bush's obstinacy are unknown to him and therefore not his concern. Meanwhile, the geopolitical nightmare continues in its destructive path unabated with no discernible end in sight. Apparently, Bush intends to do virtually nothing differently. Big fucking man is too much of a pussy to go back to Iraq but perfectly happy to sacrifice the blood of others for the sake of his own ego.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
With Friends like these...
Of course W won't be able to experience this outpouring of love so typical of the grateful Iraqis because he won't be in stone throwing distance. My question would he even aware of the Maliki occurrence?... never mind the implication. The Iraqi PM is Shia, the angry mob throwing stones at him is Shia, ahhhhh, ok....that is not fucking good. But don't call it civil war. Because that would be accessing honestly and that will never ever happen on W's watch.
I did not catch up to the Sunday talkers today but I wonder how many expressed disgust about the fact that people are now being burnt alive as a method of retaliation. Innocents people doused with kerosene and burnt alive...Jesus.
I did not catch up to the Sunday talkers today but I wonder how many expressed disgust about the fact that people are now being burnt alive as a method of retaliation. Innocents people doused with kerosene and burnt alive...Jesus.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
just got the Style points they needed to vault over Michigan into # 2 position via a Bergen Catholic (NJ) alum running back an on sides kick for late 4th quarter TD. Ohio vs SC for National Champs has a nice feel to it.
Game Blogging
Again Mess can't tell us enough about Brady Quinn's "courage"...the other moron is trying to sell that it isn't "over" even though SC has a 20 point lead with 5 minutes left. Can someone tell me why he has a job analyzing football? Has he ever seen the game? His intellect doesn't qualify him to clean up after my dog.
USC vs. ND
would be an enjoyable game if not for the announcers...Mussburger is a poster boy for genetic selection and one of the other douchebags keep telling us this is a war. They're in a war! Courageous! Uh, it's a football game not a war. Mess is telling us what a "tough hombre" Brady Quinn is...who the hell talks like that?
At halftime Lee Corso tells us that ND should not be changing anything....that SC lost focus because they scored too quickly and I guess that all football insiders know that you would never want to do that. He then proceeded to tell us that in his mind ND was winning the game. ND was losing 21-10 at the time. I'm just a casual fan but having an 11 point deficit would seem to indicate losing. What a dipshit.
At halftime Lee Corso tells us that ND should not be changing anything....that SC lost focus because they scored too quickly and I guess that all football insiders know that you would never want to do that. He then proceeded to tell us that in his mind ND was winning the game. ND was losing 21-10 at the time. I'm just a casual fan but having an 11 point deficit would seem to indicate losing. What a dipshit.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Worth a Listen
Jersey boy Pete Yorn opened for Dixie Chicks at the Staples Center tonight and he is worth a listen.
The GreenFairy

Broke open the bottle of absinthe I had waiting for the perfect holiday occasion. Served poured over a sugar cube thru a slotted spoon on the rocks in a martini glass....seems like a lot of trouble but it gives you time to get your courage up to tackle a 140 proof drink...despite the reputation, I did not meet or even eyeball Jesus nor his relatives but I may not have gone quite far enough. I believe further investigation is required....developing....
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Sounds Fishy to Me...
There's gotta be more to this story reported by ABC news:
A Secret Service agent on the advance detail got into an "altercation" with someone after a night out and was badly beaten, according to the law enforcement reports. The Secret Service said today the incident was an attempted mugging that occurred while the agent was on his own time. The agent is doing fine.
Murphy game anyone?
A Secret Service agent on the advance detail got into an "altercation" with someone after a night out and was badly beaten, according to the law enforcement reports. The Secret Service said today the incident was an attempted mugging that occurred while the agent was on his own time. The agent is doing fine.
Murphy game anyone?
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Skin in the Game
I think O'Donnell gets it about right relative to Charles intentions here. This is a non-starter from the get go but it makes sense to me that at least somebody attempts to talk about it. It is no dirty little secret....Nearly every parent in America and many of our unfortunate allies are rightfully grateful for the the all volunteer forces making the sacrifices in Iraq. Would things be different if a draft were in place at the time of selling the invasion? have to think they would. Would it do anything now?...that's the nub I guess, but my sense is that no one buys that it would actually be reinstated. It's better that other people's kids are taking the hit willingly and that's sad.
Too many are dead and maimed to imagine...the real numbers as they stand now will likely never be known and the future casualties won't be accurately recorded either. There isn't enough interest in the US losses never mind the collateral damage. The TV society can't muster the outrage to force the issue so...keep sending the unlucky ones..bide time until somebody can come up with a political slogan everyone can live with then head on home.
Kerry has always been right about the characterization of someone having to be the last person to die in a terribly misguided by liars and fools...who will be that person this time?....not my son or daughter is what I believe most of America has to honestly say to Charlie.
Too many are dead and maimed to imagine...the real numbers as they stand now will likely never be known and the future casualties won't be accurately recorded either. There isn't enough interest in the US losses never mind the collateral damage. The TV society can't muster the outrage to force the issue so...keep sending the unlucky ones..bide time until somebody can come up with a political slogan everyone can live with then head on home.
Kerry has always been right about the characterization of someone having to be the last person to die in a terribly misguided by liars and fools...who will be that person this time?....not my son or daughter is what I believe most of America has to honestly say to Charlie.
Morneau is MVP
Justin Morneau had a great year so congrats to him but I was sure hoping for Jeets to get it.
Great Minds....

Here is something that apparently qualifies as intellectual commentary in Kentucky. Boy, she really nailed if they could only figure out that dentistry thing...
Monday, November 20, 2006
American League MVP
Stepping on Salami
It strikes me (and not a few others) as comically ironic that Bush is referencing Iraq while visiting Vietnam. The Vietnamese leaders must be incredulous that Bush intimates that The Vietnam war could've been won by sticking it out. I'm not sure that anyone pointed out that his hosts were the ones we were fighting at the time.
It reminiscent of Lloyd Bridges' speech in "Hot Shots" where he says...."Seems like just yesterday I was strafing your villages...." What a clueless buffoon. (Bush not Bridges....Bridges was brilliant)
It reminiscent of Lloyd Bridges' speech in "Hot Shots" where he says...."Seems like just yesterday I was strafing your villages...." What a clueless buffoon. (Bush not Bridges....Bridges was brilliant)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Music? I'll give you music....
Steve, politics, commentary,....Dave Alvin talking with Austin's various Antone's contributions...Tom Russell, Lovett, Kean, McMurtrey ....don't forget Townes Van Zant and Nancy Griffith, and Guy Clark....I can recommend if need be.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
posting problems
have post will travel but bit of sticky wicket here...anyway, got Old and in the Way on the ol CD and that with headphones...(yeah's good)
Friday, November 17, 2006
That didn't take long...
Today show got their RNC talking points down big time this morning. A segment on the Hoyer/Murtha episode had a continous banner below the images on the screen that read" One week later...Democrats in disarray". Then they had John Harwood from the WSJ proclaiming that the Dems HAD to have a cohisve plan for Iraq...Of course the Dems aren't even in power yet and also do not set foreign policy but those fuckers better have every single dem in the country in agreement or they are total fucking losers....this crap really gets old.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Murder Inc.
OJ is at it again...looks like crime does pay and handsomely at that. Too bad civil judgments don't seem to amount to shit....can't the Feds try this piece of crap under civil rights statutes....depriving someone of their civil rights by nearly hacking off their head? Guess not... but I sure wish someone would punch that guy's ticket.
Hard to Believe but True
Kaiser Permaninte (sp) the healthcare behemoth was indicted today in Los Angeles for "patient dumping". That is the act of abandoning an indigent patient on the street. Take that in for a second...yeah, it's something so disgusting that the mind doesn't readily grasp it. In this case a 63 year old women with obvious mental deficiencies in addition to her physical ailments was driven to skid row in LA via taxi late at night, removed from the vehicle and physically placed on the sidewalk. She was then left to wander aimlessly as the car drove away. Part of that sad story was captured on a security tape which evidently was instrumental in charges being brought. It is doubtful that any true justice could be achieved in a case like this and KP will most likely pay a "ashtray" money fine. I do wish that some "activist" judge gets a hold of this one and forces some KP execs to do some serious come to Jesus time on the street on LA's skid row. It is one of the truly most desperate and hopeless places I've ever seen but it WOULD be a perfect place to give an object lesson to whomever made the decisions that facilitated this heinous act. I'd also check them carefully to see if they are even human....maybe there are aliens among us.
Hoyer it is...
Wasn't even close. Still can't figure out Pelosi's call on this in 1st place. Anyway, it's done now and hopefully goes away quickly.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Murtha vs. Hoyer

Should be an interesting result either way it plays for Majority Leader in the House though I can't help feel that it could have been done better. Murtha deserves a lot of credit for his earlier than most and vocal opposition to the war and no doubt he's a tough SOB. That said, I saw the ABSCAM video (yes from 26 years ago Jack) and it is not pretty. I didn't see the same guy there that I take him for now but do we really need to supply ammo to the other side and the media before the 110th even starts? I don't know a thing about Hoyer other that seniority places him in line and he seems to have the respect of his colleagues and a decent haircut. Does Pelosi know something we don't?....she effing better boy and I'm pretty sure she does because I can't imagine she'd risk such controversy right at the gate. It's one thing to reward political courage and dispense the favors leadership endows but another to carelessly engender judgment doubts so early in the process. My feeling is that Pelosi is so rock solid sure that Murtha is clean (now anyway) and also convinced of his ability to withstand the coming shitstorm that she was willing to stake a good part of her rep on that choice. I think the more prudent approach would have been to lay back a bit and let nature takes its course with some gentle back room guidance. My guess is the favorite Murtha wins but I really don't have a dog in the fight.
Enough already...
Can we dispense with the bi-partisan bullshit now? Here is what the Administration considers bi-partisan....basically it is when someone agrees with them. But this time there is no need to play nice and only weakens the Democratic position. Tell'm to get bent and shove the nominees up their ass. If I was Pelosi and Reid, I'd go into the White House the 1st week of Jan. with a list of people and tell W. that here is group of folks we want resignations on before the end of the week. Have a nice day douchebag....
Heeee's Baaaacckk!
Repugs dig up Lott to be the # 2 man in the Senate. I guess you can go home again. I'm sure there is a brilliant strategy in there but somehow it escapes me. Maybe it's like those radio stations that play only Elvis....the GOP is going to go only racists, all the time. Looks like they got the right man for the job if that is the plan.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
100% agreement?

Russert's appearance on the Mon. morning wake-up show included his comment (paraphrasing) that the Dems have a "problem" because they don't have agreement on the plan for Iraq. Excuse me, but where the hell does say that Democrats need to be in 100% lockstep agreement on everything? The Repugs never seem to be held to that standard but somehow it is soooo important that the Dems all agree. Why?
The way that you reach consensus is by discussing the various viewpoints, weighing the positives vs. the negatives, risk assessment, comparative analysis...It's the political due diligence required to achieve any semblance of responsible policy. What got us here in the first place was a pre-determined conclusion not supported by facts and the only options ever considered were intended to reinforce the original flawed position. That is the W way but it should not be the Dem way.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Like a Dog Year
In one week the Dems take the House and Senate, Rutgers beats the # 3 football team on national TV and Jets hand the Pats their 2nd consecutive loss for the 1st time in 57 games. That is some weird shit.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Candy Crowley is Fat

I'm pretty sure that most people can agree on that (and a right wing hack also but that is another post) but am I the only one who sees the irony? I mean candy probably made her fat in the first place so why draw attention to's not like it's her given name and her Mom would never forgive her for not using it. Plus, who the hell as a serious person uses the name Candy for professional purposes at that age? Hookers and strippers mostly I would guess but at least for them there is a certain stick-to-it-ness that I can appreciate. Her going by Candy draws attention to one of her most unpleasant attributes....I mean, she could've changed it but she probably thinks she is cute, funny and smart all rolled up into one big ball of fatness. A head scratcher for sure.
Role Models Run Out on a Rail
Is there any other more gracious and grateful athlete than Gary (who cleaned out my effing locker?) Sheffield? To Yankee fans this is gonna be like losing Yogi Berra....what a legacy that hero of man will leave in NYC....poor us!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I'd give Woody the edge maybe

I wish I could watch Allen's advisors break the news...Fact is that both these guys have about equal chances to be elected to future political office and they are both very funny although admittedly not both are trying.
Eighty percent of success is showing up.
Woody Allen
US movie actor, comedian, & director (1935 - )
Hours of Fun

Watching the righties try to spin this election cycle as anything but a complete disaster for their party and an utter repudiation of the conservative so called values is hilarious....I mean some of the guys that lost will probably be going to jail at some point....Took 6 long years but voters finally noticed our nude president and called attention to it. Of course, he doesn't take the fall because he never did and never will. Failure though is nothing new to this Bush, just ask his father who apparently is bailing furiously to try and save the sinking boy. Too bad W had to drag so many innocents with him before the electorate realized it was backing a loser.
I doubt it is lost on many beltway types that Rummy didn't last 24 hours before being replaced with one of Daddy's guys. Next will come the implementation of Baker/Hamilton Iraq recommendations and the Bush humilation will be complete. No need to wait on history doing any judging here.
The pundies will continue falling all over themselves to rationalize the republican loss and marginalize the dem's win but for now let's just enjoy the spectacle....spin, baby, spin!
Rum Punch!

Looks like a knock-out delivered by the election results....I thought he served at the pleasure of the president and would only step down if asked by Bush? Is anyone at the press conference going to ask if the resignation was requested from the White House? Or more likely, will the press corp allow Bush to step around that? Bets anyone?
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Melman was just talking to Lou Dobbs about looking forward to working in a bi-partisan fashion with the Dems...OK, I'm buying on the Bi part but that is as far as I'll go.

A few pundy's waxing ineloquent about the possibility of Henry Waxman issuing multiple subpoena for various Repuby transgressions...and that is gonna suck for them for sure but just wait until they see their new office space....I'm guessing a few of them will have new accommodations they may not be all that happy about. C'mon ya gotta really mess with'm now....don'cha?
Vote for a Child Molester....Vote Republican!
The Foley seat vacated by the aforementioned still has his name on the ballot because it was too late to legally change before the election. So the esteemed people of this district are actually voting for Foley on the ballot....a admitted child predator. Let's try and wrap our minds around that one. Foley (recently voted most likely to be released from rehab Nov. 8th) is they guy these people would rather vote for than any democrat. They should have their own country never mind their own district...Forever to be known as the district that prefers pedophiles....catchy huh?
Brokaw disses Dem's
Caught a snippet of MSNBC prelim election coverage this PM featuring Matthews and Brokaw with some GOP approved talking points.Brokaw remarked about the voter's deep divisions on the war and how the Dem's didn't have any plans other than "withdrawl or phased withdrawl....whatever that means".
Well Tom, I'm pretty sure I would take that to mean you get out incrementally. I mean, I'm not a big shot ex-news anchor or anything but even I was able to understand that so why can't he? His other comment regarding voter division on the Iraq war seemed intended to imply that there was equal support for both positions....Sadly no Tom, the American public at large is against the war and also does not believe that it is central in the war on terror. That is not up for discussion and all the network blather in the world won't change it one iota. These guys really do take everyone else for pikers...even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, they stick to the comfy turf already staked out. Incredible.
Well Tom, I'm pretty sure I would take that to mean you get out incrementally. I mean, I'm not a big shot ex-news anchor or anything but even I was able to understand that so why can't he? His other comment regarding voter division on the Iraq war seemed intended to imply that there was equal support for both positions....Sadly no Tom, the American public at large is against the war and also does not believe that it is central in the war on terror. That is not up for discussion and all the network blather in the world won't change it one iota. These guys really do take everyone else for pikers...even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, they stick to the comfy turf already staked out. Incredible.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Russert's got a "same old bag"

Nightly news gave us the preview of Brokaw, Williams & Russert bantering about the elections for tomorrow night. Russert trots out the idiotic whiteboard tote system proving once again what a complete doofus he is. I guess we're supposed to appreciate the quaint and blue pens + arithmetic = brilliant political analysis? Hmmmm..can't say I get it.
Who ya gonna call?
If the Republicans were confident that their ideas, policies and candidates were superior to what the Dems were offering, I guess they wouldn't have to resort to voter-fraud on a national basis. HERE is the Republican party's version of democracy in action. Sad, isn't it?
On the Dole on MTP
They probably should have had some system to shut off mikes on yesterdays MTP with everyone talking over each other but the worst of them had be Lizzy Dole. Is she a complete moron or just old as the hills? Either way, she is so far over her head in national politics that it isn't funny. At one point she insisted on answering questions that had not been asked with prepared talking points. She had'm and by God, she was gonna use'm. She had to shout out that this was not a "rubber stamp" congress for Bush and Russert correctly pointed out that no one had raised that issue. Dole ignored the comment and proceeded to tell Russ that she wanted to "shoot that down right now". She was completely oblivious to everyone around her. I kinda felt sorry for the confused old windbag but no way should this lady be a US Senator.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Move along...
...nothing to see here . I guess that any oversight would be an insult to the troops somehow.
Ted, we hardly knew ya...
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Gay Ministers who are Anti-Gay
Go figure..another self hating gay evangelical... Are there any of these assholes that sincerely believe in the garbage they sell? He'll blame it on the decadent liberal society we live in...the membership will eat it up.
Attn: Values Voters

These so called "values voters" are probably the biggest hypocrites out there in the political landscape. Let's posit for a second that most of them espouse Christian values and that honesty is probably on the list somewhere. I truly believe that candidates that campaign honestly, govern's pretty simple really. You'd think that value voters would factor those attributes into any candidate support but it doesn't seem to enter the equation. What would Jesus think about that?
Ralph Kramden would call them the "hippiest critters" he ever saw.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Kerrying Water
This Kerry dustup is just pitiful any way you look at it but the media attention received vs deserved is the most disturbing. Just once I'd like to see major media ignore a faked-up GOP story if only to let us know they get it. That way we'd know they aren't all imbeciles and we could move on. Newsflash...Kerry ain't running for anything....he is not the story so look away from the shiny keys and try imagining what real voters actually care about. I don't know why someone...ANYONE doesn't finally call bullshit and say...uh-uh..not gonna do it this time. It is possible that approach would be viewed as journalistic integrity and garner actual appreciation from the voting public.
Poll Watching
All signs point to good things on Tuesday but I can't help feeling that somehow we are missing something. It almost looks too easy and that worries me. I know that that Republicans will steal it if they can...I just hope the Dem's are smart enough to steal it back if that happens.
quote worth remembering...
"We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office"
quote worth remembering...
"We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office"
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