Today in LA where you really can surf and ski in the same day. Couple of feet of new snow and sets of waves up to 14 ft. Pictures taken without moving my feet.
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Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Marathon Blogging..
I have been fooling around with some long weekend runs and toying with the idea of running the LA Marathon in March....unfortunately, that particular race is now in May...Doh! I blame the republicans the nefarious bastards...
Anyway, a friend suggested looking into the Catalina Marathon which happens to be held in March (at least so far) and since I love Catalina, it is an idea that appeals to me.
The rub is that the race is considered one of the best marathons but also in very top as challenges go. Is it hilly you might ask? Oh yes, it is hilly. How hilly? Well something like 19 miles of hills that are mostly up.
Hmmmm, that certainly changes the equation somewhat. Best leave the decision to later time but the elavation chart below should give a pretty good idea of what one would be up against. You can click to enlarge...
Anyway, a friend suggested looking into the Catalina Marathon which happens to be held in March (at least so far) and since I love Catalina, it is an idea that appeals to me.
The rub is that the race is considered one of the best marathons but also in very top as challenges go. Is it hilly you might ask? Oh yes, it is hilly. How hilly? Well something like 19 miles of hills that are mostly up.
Hmmmm, that certainly changes the equation somewhat. Best leave the decision to later time but the elavation chart below should give a pretty good idea of what one would be up against. You can click to enlarge...

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Stepbrothers is a pretty..
stupid movie but there are some funny parts if you are into juvenile humor and Will Ferrell almost always delivers some memorable scenes.... The job interviews in tuxedos scenes are classic and this is part of it...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Caught a bit of Hulkster Ted's
Senate address for which he received a standing O from his colleagues....seems inappropriate since he is a convicted criminal. No matter though, his career is fittingly down the "tubes" now.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Very Impressive..
win for Obama and for the Dems. A few quick observations about last night..
- Bill Bennet on CNN telling me the country is "center-right". Uh, Bill...shove it.
- David Gregory on MSNBC telling me that Obama should be worried now that he won? What a about giving it a day Dave?
- Suprising moment...McCain's concession speech was pretty gracious and seemed sincere...good thing he didn't try that during campaign.
- Palin was just about crying during
- Obama's speech was about as good as it gets...touching moment telling his daughters they can bring a puppy to the White House. (apparently they have been trying to convince him to get one for some time)
- Anyone else see Bob Shrum as Bozo the Clown and W.C. Fields love child? That guy has the biggest reddest nose I have ever seen...what a honker.
- Heard alot about the Dems needing to reach across the aisle to Repugs...really? I don't see it that way. Only reason to reach across certainly to far righties would be so they can clearly see you giving them the finger.
Friday, October 31, 2008
A Local Rightwing Nut...

hung Obama in effigy as part of her holloween display...classy, classy person her. Check the article and my letter to the editor below...
Your front page Oct. 30 story about the McCain supporter hanging Barrack Obama in effigy was troubling to say the least. Her choice of imagery is stunningly offensive to most Americans with even a passing familiarity with our nation's history. For Ms. Castaneda to contend that she was unaware of the negative racial undertones associated with her display is hardly believable. Even so, it is not hard to see why most of the country has turned against politicians that seek to reduce politics to the lowest common denominator so to avoid even a cursory examination of the real issues we face today
Ms. Casaneda and similarly uninformed voters are reduced to citing demonstrably false talking points about bibles and flag pins that only highlight their embarrassing ignorance. Fortunately, this election cycle has proven to be worthy of discussions more focused on serious policy differences instead of the type of nonsensical issues Ms. Castaneda seems to prefer. I highly doubt that she would be able to correctly identify any actual policy positions on either side of the political spectrum. Sadly, that is emblematic of the right wing elements of the republican party that can only offer divisive and meaningless slogans instead of actual ideas that might in fact be helpful to the electorate.
I wonder if as a matter of principle or perhaps in protest if Ms. Castaneda will return the proceeds of the Obama tax cut she is almost certain to receive?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Who could have...

predicted that the fat chick was lying about the whole thing...Boy, Obama campaign dodged a bullet on that one!
Turns out that she's just another sad, pathetic college republican loser....she undoubtedly has a lot of company these days...funny thing is...that now she will also be shunned by the very people she was trying to martyr herself for...ironic ain't it?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
my black Lab passed away this week. He lived 13 years which is a long life for a dog I guess. It doesn't seem that long to me right now though.
He was a good soul... smartest dog I ever spent any time with and most people who saw him in action marveled at his abilities. He used pool toys as tools to retrieve balls and other objects out of the pool at our house. Let me repeat that...he used tools. I always thought that was something amazing.
He was very disciplined in that he would not pass thru a doorway or over a curb without permission...I think that was most impressive to friends visiting our house that did not know Sonny..because he would stand at an open door without entering the usual chaos many people would remark that Sonny would not cross that threshold and found it incredible.
He once jumped into our pool that contained no water at the time when the concrete was being redone....into the deep end after a tennis ball. Funny thing is that while he was a great swimmer and enjoyed doing it, he rarely actually jumped into the pool after balls and whatnot....he'd go down the stairs and ease it in to the water and then swim after whatever was needing retrieving....yet he jumped into an empty pool that one time...maybe a special tennis ball or something...weird.
He was so great with could trust him with all children 100%. I'm pretty sure needles in his eyes would not have provoked this dog. Every single person who met this dog loved this dog. Even people who were not "dog people" were enamored of Sonny because his attributes were so endearing...he was a big strong guy but such a sweetheart that all who met him had a positive and memorable experience.
I think my fondest memory with Sonny was hiking with him in the snow on a old logging trail in Big Bear, CA. He loved running in the snow....hauling ass way out in front and then running back just as quick to make sure I hadn't gone missing or left him behind. Now he has left me behind in a way and the missing will be of a different kind.
Sonny (the Lab) 10/05/95-10/12/08
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He was a good soul... smartest dog I ever spent any time with and most people who saw him in action marveled at his abilities. He used pool toys as tools to retrieve balls and other objects out of the pool at our house. Let me repeat that...he used tools. I always thought that was something amazing.
He was very disciplined in that he would not pass thru a doorway or over a curb without permission...I think that was most impressive to friends visiting our house that did not know Sonny..because he would stand at an open door without entering the usual chaos many people would remark that Sonny would not cross that threshold and found it incredible.
He once jumped into our pool that contained no water at the time when the concrete was being redone....into the deep end after a tennis ball. Funny thing is that while he was a great swimmer and enjoyed doing it, he rarely actually jumped into the pool after balls and whatnot....he'd go down the stairs and ease it in to the water and then swim after whatever was needing retrieving....yet he jumped into an empty pool that one time...maybe a special tennis ball or something...weird.
He was so great with could trust him with all children 100%. I'm pretty sure needles in his eyes would not have provoked this dog. Every single person who met this dog loved this dog. Even people who were not "dog people" were enamored of Sonny because his attributes were so endearing...he was a big strong guy but such a sweetheart that all who met him had a positive and memorable experience.
I think my fondest memory with Sonny was hiking with him in the snow on a old logging trail in Big Bear, CA. He loved running in the snow....hauling ass way out in front and then running back just as quick to make sure I hadn't gone missing or left him behind. Now he has left me behind in a way and the missing will be of a different kind.
Sonny (the Lab) 10/05/95-10/12/08
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Does John McCain...
think that autism and downs syndrome are the same thing? Sure seemed like it last night.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
No Matter...
what happens at tonights debate, you can bet that Bob Sheiffer will have tired arms from carrying all that water for McCain.
Friday, October 03, 2008
in one sentence last night said the following..."say it ain't so Joe, there you go again and doggone".
Are you effing kidding me? Why can't the country say just this once...thanks, but we'd rather vote for the smart guys this time.
Is middle America so damn insecure that they would rather entrust the country to white trash bumpkins than admit that smarter people will probably do a better job than dumber ones?
Is that so hard?
Are you effing kidding me? Why can't the country say just this once...thanks, but we'd rather vote for the smart guys this time.
Is middle America so damn insecure that they would rather entrust the country to white trash bumpkins than admit that smarter people will probably do a better job than dumber ones?
Is that so hard?
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Good Answer Sarah.....
One of my takeaways on the Palin interview was the exchange on her comments about Iraq being a task from God. Could we have misunderestimated Sarah?...who would have guessed that she was so well versed in the speeches and writings of Abe Lincoln that she can pick one right off the top of her head? The thing of it is though, if her statement was in her words "a repeat" of Lincoln, wouldn't it be proper to cite Lincoln as the author? Just saying...
Oh yeah, since she is such a Lincoln buff, someone might want to ask her what other Lincoln passages she favors? Might make her head explode but should be good fun.
GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." Are we fighting a holy war?
PALIN: You know, I don't know if that was my exact quote.
GIBSON: Exact words.
PALIN: But the reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln's words when he said -- first, he suggested never presume to know what God's will is, and I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words.
But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that's a repeat in my comments, was let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God's side.
Oh yeah, since she is such a Lincoln buff, someone might want to ask her what other Lincoln passages she favors? Might make her head explode but should be good fun.
GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." Are we fighting a holy war?
PALIN: You know, I don't know if that was my exact quote.
GIBSON: Exact words.
PALIN: But the reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln's words when he said -- first, he suggested never presume to know what God's will is, and I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words.
But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that's a repeat in my comments, was let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God's side.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Barney Fife...
knows the preamble to Constitution as well as Sarah Palin knows the Bush doctrine....not too much.
John McCain...
asserted today in a brutal interview that Sarah Palin knew more about energy than anyone in the United States....think about that for a minute.
That statement alone should disqualify him for office. Pathetic...just pathetic.
See the whole mess here.
That statement alone should disqualify him for office. Pathetic...just pathetic.
See the whole mess here.
Sarah Palin...The Earmark Queen..
Alaska is 1st in the nation per capita for earmarks received by over a 2-1 margin. Now you can call that fact whatever you want and put lipstick, a funny hat and a fake nose on it but it's still gonna look like Sarah Palin.
Note to Obama campaign: You might want to mention that while Sarah Palin was against them before she was for them, it may be that maybe she is only against earmarks in other states because she clearly wants them all for herself.
Note to Obama campaign: You might want to mention that while Sarah Palin was against them before she was for them, it may be that maybe she is only against earmarks in other states because she clearly wants them all for herself.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Here is some funny shit..
I wish the Democratic Party had the courage” to pick a woman, said Kimberly Myers, a retired transit worker in Pittsburgh who supported Mrs. Clinton in Pennsylvania’s primary and said she now planned to vote for Mr. McCain.
We should all get behind the Palin candicy....
We should all get behind the Palin candicy....
Saturday, August 30, 2008
If you are..
ok with the Palin pick...not only should you be ashamed and embarassed but also prevented from voting.....
She would be the President if McCain keels....
Not exactly Lyndon Johnson.....get me?
She would be the President if McCain keels....
Not exactly Lyndon Johnson.....get me?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
OK...Cindy McCain...

has had on that ridiculous sling, then a brace and now what seems to be cast on her arm. Am I the only one who doesn't buy the story that a super-duper enthusiastic supporter injured her arm whlle shaking her hand??? WTF?
C'mon now....somptin is up wit dat.
pic via
Elitist is the narrative...
that the Repugs want to pin on Obama....funny thing is that 90% of their target audience probably can't spell it never mind define it.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The guy is creepy in this..
but I had a beer with Mick once and he was nice dude...good stuff here...
This Just In...
Yankees might have a chance...need a loss from Boston and MN tomorrow....sweep in NY vs Boston...maybe a plane going down here or there and we're right back in it...seems plausible, no?
in my opinion is a good choice. He's tough enough to punch back and enjoy it. The guy's entertaining too...It's not his quote but I've heard him say it referring to politics...
"It ain't beanbag pal"
"It ain't beanbag pal"
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Obama would....
be well served by applying some of Nils' verse to his campaign. It fits right down to the mother line...
BTW...didn't I mention that you would never hear from that crazy old bat as soon as McCain got the nomination..
BTW...didn't I mention that you would never hear from that crazy old bat as soon as McCain got the nomination..
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Very Short..
note about MTP today...old lizard Broder says Russia/Georgia is a win for McCain because he mentioned Russia a few weeks ago.....Wow, awesome that he didn't refer to them as USSR...Dean Wormer forgot the unpleasant lobbying connection McCain Campaign continues to have to Georgia but hey...he's the Dean so whatever the "Brode" says, goes...right?
Broder is a McCain ball licker anyway you slice it.
Broder is a McCain ball licker anyway you slice it.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Here's the real deal from Townes..
Haven't seent this before and I've been looking....good find by whoever dug up..
weird posting...
prob...going on but I'm gonna add the orig to the Nancy to the right cause it seems to be blocked over one another...a repost to be sure but
Valley is a classic Townes Van Zant tune being done justice here...That is Steve Earle sitting next to Nancy..
Valley is a classic Townes Van Zant tune being done justice here...That is Steve Earle sitting next to Nancy..
At a certain point...
you have to say this effing guy is nuts....Laird Hamilton...the Big Kahuna of big wave surfing...local guy who lives in Manhattan Beach and married to Gabby Reese...guess he likes tall...
Friday, August 01, 2008
Dueling Campaigns...
I hope that the Obama guys are keeping their powder dry because in my opinion they hit like girls so far...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
1952 Vincent Black Lighting..
is well done also by Reckless...Richard Thompson owns the song but Del McCroury has a good version as well...
A litle Reckless Kelly for...
some your enjoyment...posted to the right but I didn't want any interested party to miss...Wicked Twisted Road...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Onion Field revisted...
Out in Catalina, I had a interesting encounter with the daughter of one of the police officers that was the subject of a non-fiction book by Joseph Wambaugh called "The Onion Field". I was way off on the dates on my previous reference. The event occurred in the 60's and was written in the 70's. Short version is that 2 officers were kidnapped and one killed in an onion field in Bakersfield, CA.
My brief conversation with the daughter of Karl Hettinger began with a "where ya from?" her Bakersfield reply prompted a "oh onion country!" comment from me which led us eventually to the terribly unfortunate life her father led after his ordeal. She was a pretty nice lady but you could tell the conversation brought out some sad memories. She basically had lost her father before ever really knowing him pre-kidnapping. The wikipedia quotes below sum up her own description.
My brief conversation with the daughter of Karl Hettinger began with a "where ya from?" her Bakersfield reply prompted a "oh onion country!" comment from me which led us eventually to the terribly unfortunate life her father led after his ordeal. She was a pretty nice lady but you could tell the conversation brought out some sad memories. She basically had lost her father before ever really knowing him pre-kidnapping. The wikipedia quotes below sum up her own description.
Hettinger suffered severe emotional trauma as a result, and people who knew him said he was never the same afterwards. He was forced to resign from the LAPD in 1966 after committing some acts of petty shoplifting and developing a drinking problem. Later in life, Hettinger was appointed to serve as a Kern County supervisor; he died of a liver disease in 1994 at the age of 59.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Onion field
Is the name of a book and a movie about a terrifying ordeal and ultimate murder back in the 80's and tonight I met the daughter of one of the principal characters....more to follow.
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Costa Rica..
is a pretty amazing place...rainforests and surfing culture all mixed in with 3rd world vibe...friendly peeps and beautiful landscape...even so reality creeps and word of Bobby Murcer"s passing has just reached.
A true gentlemen, a true Yankee who will be missed by those who were lucky enough to enjoy his observations about the game...
R.I.P. Bobby
A true gentlemen, a true Yankee who will be missed by those who were lucky enough to enjoy his observations about the game...
R.I.P. Bobby
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Does This Guy..
remind you of Barney Fife trying to recite the preamble to the constitution or what?
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I've seen Jorma...
for going on 30 years now...and I gotta say, I think he was better when he was "lets say younger"....
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I couldn't care less...
about Gays getting married, which they are....all over CA today thanks to a recent State Supreme Court ruling but anything that pisses off conservatives soooo much has to be a good idea in my mind.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Johnny Foley's Irish House where every bar stool is taken by mid afternoon. Classic.
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the rock.jpg
Alcatraz......not hard to see why no one ever escaped.....looks pretty scary.
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Thursday, June 12, 2008
Having a cold one on a hot day in SF looking at the St Francis where Squeeky Fromm tried to take down Gerald Ford. Yanks in OK tonight....I'll keep you posted.....
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Saturday, June 07, 2008
I don't know who...
Not Great Audio...
But this dude has potential...Albert Castiglia...bluesman from FLA.
If you don't watch to the end you'll miss some amazing shit.
If you don't watch to the end you'll miss some amazing shit.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Scotty's Stories...
certainly seem to be compelling to the accommodating bozo media that missed it the 1st time. The incredulous looks they are exhibiting over the fact that the Bushies lied repeatedly and as matter of policy are beyond embarrassing...I guess practicing in front of mirror probably helps but I think anyone who expresses the slightest bit of surprise over the mendacious tendencies of the Bushies is either an idiot or a liar...sorry but those are the only 2 choices.
Russ was all get-tough with Scotty today when he is on an island.....carrying water is dirty business.
Russ was all get-tough with Scotty today when he is on an island.....carrying water is dirty business.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
so sad.jpg
What's that? CA constitution or a reprint of some lengthy document? Well, it's long that's for sure.....those are names of the military killed in Iraq and Afganistan from CA. 492 people dead and countless more lives destroyed. Funny how a big bad liberal state like Cali makes the largest sacrifice for the Bush wars. Let's face it......if we concentrated on Afgani.....that would have been over long ago. So sad.
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Friday, May 16, 2008
Huck's Joke...

was probably just a stupid offhand remark with no ill will...but can't do that...and lets face it...for anyone that likes a big target, the Huck family are some buffalo sized trophys. Have you seen the size of his son? Jumbolaya is being kind so you'd have to do more than wing the dogkiller to bring him down.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
My new beach chair has an cool is that? It's like taking a lazy-boy to the sand.
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Saturday, May 10, 2008
Seems like the Bush...
wedding was a pretty hasty affair.....look for the drunken little whore to pump out a little one in about 8 months and call it a preemie...
Any bets on.....
how long it will take this crazy old bat to have her "macaca moment" on Obama?
You can bet that someone in the McCain team is already mapping a BOBBB strategy...otherwise known as: "Board up old bat in back bedroom".
You can bet that someone in the McCain team is already mapping a BOBBB strategy...otherwise known as: "Board up old bat in back bedroom".
Friday, May 09, 2008
Sad Part is...
that many people will watch this movie and only then realize why the last 7-1/2 years have taken place.
Since we're going back to the..
70''s a goodie from Steve Miller when he was super creative and had excellent musical instincts...
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
I always heard that SDSU (San Diego)
was a party school...
According to the DEA, evidence includes 4 pounds of cocaine, 50 pounds of marijuana, 48 hydroponic marijuana plants, 350 ecstasy pills, psilocybin (mushrooms), 30 vials of hash oil, methamphetamine, various illicit prescription drugs, one shotgun, three semi-automatic pistols, three brass knuckles and $60,000 in cash.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
we hardly knew ya...but what we did know, we didn't like. Anyway, one more hack bites the dust.
The odd thing here is that she didn't resign on Fri. night like most of the disgraced Bushies. I wonder if that means they already have a bigger name lined up to take a dive for this Fri........
The odd thing here is that she didn't resign on Fri. night like most of the disgraced Bushies. I wonder if that means they already have a bigger name lined up to take a dive for this Fri........
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hard to find a more perfect day in socal.....80's at the beach....wind offshore.....summer day in April.
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Thursday, April 10, 2008
or Escalated? If the uptick in troop strength was intended to be temporary I guess you could call it a surge.....but it's not temporary is it?
Now can we call it a Escalation?
Now can we call it a Escalation?
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Lindsey Graham..
Joe Lieberman and head cheer leader McCain were especially annoying yesterday during the Senate hearing.....all competing to see how far they could nudge their noses up Patraeus' ass....not a pleasant sight at all. Pretty pathetic that the esteemed General and Crock of shit couldn't answer one question without providing cover for the war criminals running this side show. Progess is all over the place....what you can't see it? Try this kool aid and try now....nothing? hmmmm, that's weird because we can all see it.
On the other side, Biden was pretty good as was Boxer. Biden got Cockbiter to admit that AQ in Afgan/Paki was far more of a legit target to eliminate if we were serious about ensuring future US safety. Like the drunk looking for his car keys under the street lamp when he lost the keys in the alley....the light is under the lamp so he looking there where he can see....
Hillary and Barrack were not really factors in my opinion. Pretty much a waste of time over all as the Bushies will continue to get as many people killed as they can before they are run out of town.
On the other side, Biden was pretty good as was Boxer. Biden got Cockbiter to admit that AQ in Afgan/Paki was far more of a legit target to eliminate if we were serious about ensuring future US safety. Like the drunk looking for his car keys under the street lamp when he lost the keys in the alley....the light is under the lamp so he looking there where he can see....
Hillary and Barrack were not really factors in my opinion. Pretty much a waste of time over all as the Bushies will continue to get as many people killed as they can before they are run out of town.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Marathon Blogging...

Well, halfski anyway for me. Palos Verdes Marathon is 2nd to Boston as the longest continuously run marathon in the US. 42nd annual coming up in May and the course is a challenging and hilly but picturesque run along ocean cliffs. I've been getting the bug for some longer runs and plan on testing a few 10 milers to gauge my ankle stress fracture durability. Looks nice...
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Fw: gamenight.jpg
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-----Original Message-----
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 02:58:33
To:"Blog" <>
Subject: gamenight.jpg
Oak game vs Red Sox....nice
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Saturday, March 29, 2008
Baseball Blogging..
Well, the real season starts tomorrow so lets get with the predictions shall we?
AL East- Yankees
AL Central-Tigers
AL West-Seattle
WC-Red Sox
NL East-Phillies
NL Central-Cubs
NL West-Padres
WC Mets
ALCS Yanks over Tigers
NLCS Philies over Mets
WS Yanks
Yeah, that should work out...
AL East- Yankees
AL Central-Tigers
AL West-Seattle
WC-Red Sox
NL East-Phillies
NL Central-Cubs
NL West-Padres
WC Mets
ALCS Yanks over Tigers
NLCS Philies over Mets
WS Yanks
Yeah, that should work out...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Bush's War...
the 2 part Frontline series on PBS began last night and while it was good overall so far, I think that there was nothing groundbreaking. It seems to me that when interviewing some of the war cheerleaders, it could be pointed out that they are actually proven liars and despicable human beings. I would hope that the 2nd part airing tonight might draw some conclusions and lay out for some of the less cerebral amoung us the incontrovertable realities that seem to be missing from the discussion.
Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Chalabi, Pearle, Wolfie, Feith, Cambone have far more innnocent blood on their hands than Bin Laden ever will but no one seems to mention it.
Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Chalabi, Pearle, Wolfie, Feith, Cambone have far more innnocent blood on their hands than Bin Laden ever will but no one seems to mention it.
Friday, March 21, 2008
mountain blogging.jpg
Took the day off to head to the clear....views are beautiful....
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click to enlarge
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click to enlarge
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
5 Years of War...
but most people are indifferent to the sacrifice of the people actually fighting it. It might help if the media covered it more than Britney is a link that can help change that.
Speaking of sacrifice....did you see that Bush thanked his Treasury Sec for working over the weekend while the economy tanks? I mean, if that doesn't convince you that this Admin is dead serious about the state of the economy and determined to do whatever it takes (including working weekends) to stop that bleeding...well then you just don't get it. Weekends....Can you believe it, this guy worked over the WEEKEND. What a patriot!
Speaking of sacrifice....did you see that Bush thanked his Treasury Sec for working over the weekend while the economy tanks? I mean, if that doesn't convince you that this Admin is dead serious about the state of the economy and determined to do whatever it takes (including working weekends) to stop that bleeding...well then you just don't get it. Weekends....Can you believe it, this guy worked over the WEEKEND. What a patriot!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ski Blogging...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
PBS Series...
on Peter Seeger is a winner...this is not directly related but somehow it seems connected.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Yankee Blogging...

Shelly Duncan caused a bit of a stir with his hard slide into 2nd base during yesterdays spring training game against the Rays. The Rays were none to happy and called it a "dirty play" but what really happened was that Shelly just didn't hear the coaches yelling at him to "Serpentine Shel, Serpentine!".
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
It looks like..

our local right wingish rag, the Daily Breeze in Torrance, CA was the source for 1st round of Ferraro racist comments. How Team Clinton thinks this kind of Mr. Kettle meet Mr. Black nonsense helps them, I can't fathom. Certainly it seems to me that a beat up old hag like Ferraro wouldn't want to contrast credentials and draw attention to the fact that she wasn't likely to be elected to the local school board much less Congress without the help of her mobbed up husband. Take it outside Gerrie.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Pancho and Lefty Blogging..
click to the right to see..the original version but don't miss Willie and Bob also...I mean DON"T MISS IT.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Grand Central...
not the Station...the company...
Leave a message and I'll post it if it's LHAI worthy (which covers pretty much everything)
Leave a message and I'll post it if it's LHAI worthy (which covers pretty much everything)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Some Good Guitaring...
as an old friend used to say...
Son House, Paul Butterfield and Mike Bloomfield.
Son House, Paul Butterfield and Mike Bloomfield.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Presser Blogging..
Forgot to mention that Bush in an answer to a question about Telco immunity said that companies were LED to believe what they were doing was legal....
To paraphase Animal House...."Hey, you fucked trusted us...."
To paraphase Animal House...."Hey, you fucked trusted us...."
had a presser this AM and it still amazes me what a dunce that man is. The Q&A followed a predictable path....listen to question, babble, lie, smirk inappropriately, shrug and then pat self on back like you really nailed it.
Notable was the idea that he hadn't heard that gas might be going to $4/gallon...HADN'T HEARD IT....nice.
Asked about what hope he might give to working Americans worried about the economic problems they are faced with....Bush offered up making the tax cuts permanent....which are set to expire in a few YEARS. Yup, that oughta provide plenty of hope and comfort knowing that rich folks won't have worry about paying more taxes years from now.
Notable was the idea that he hadn't heard that gas might be going to $4/gallon...HADN'T HEARD IT....nice.
Asked about what hope he might give to working Americans worried about the economic problems they are faced with....Bush offered up making the tax cuts permanent....which are set to expire in a few YEARS. Yup, that oughta provide plenty of hope and comfort knowing that rich folks won't have worry about paying more taxes years from now.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Big Sunday in Manhattan..

15 foot waves in Manhattan Beach, CA prompted lifeguards and police to close the concrete pier yesterday minutes after these pictures were taken. A camera phone just doesn't do justice to the immense power the breakers create. The Pier was shaking and whitewater spraying over the railings.....just breathtaking and inimidating...very, very cool.
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