Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Marathon Blogging..

I have been fooling around with some long weekend runs and toying with the idea of running the LA Marathon in March....unfortunately, that particular race is now in May...Doh! I blame the republicans the nefarious bastards...

Anyway, a friend suggested looking into the Catalina Marathon which happens to be held in March (at least so far) and since I love Catalina, it is an idea that appeals to me.

The rub is that the race is considered one of the best marathons but also in very top as challenges go. Is it hilly you might ask? Oh yes, it is hilly. How hilly? Well something like 19 miles of hills that are mostly up.

Hmmmm, that certainly changes the equation somewhat. Best leave the decision to later time but the elavation chart below should give a pretty good idea of what one would be up against. You can click to enlarge...

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