Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Goodling Show...

didn't disappoint today as I was able to listen to a good portion on CSPAN web and satellite radio.

Some of the more entertaining parts were the Repugs on the Judiciary committee alternately going into convulsions and contortions trying to rehabilitate dear Monica. They especially wanted to point out the Regents is REAL school with real accomplished students..really, really. Hilarious stuff that I'm sure will be showing up on various sites soon.

Anyway, she threw anyone and everyone handy under the bus and true to form with every single Bushie ever to testify has a bit of a memory problem. The "I don't recalls", "I don't remembers" and "I'm not sures" were flying all over the place. How do these people remember where they live? They sure as shit can remember important details like someones religious or political affiliations...wonder why that is?

I'll look for some of the Repug ass kissing and try to post up...

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