So I'll remind of a few comments previously me.
the most revolting behavior of the Bush Gang before, during and if ever after the war but the treatment of injured and maimed troops has to rank pretty high on a long, long list. The WaPo approached the story correctly in my view, bypassing the Walter Reed public relations officers to expose a very compelling and sad story.
No need to recount the mistreatment to those who deserve much better as it is gaining pretty good traction in most media outlets.
Let's instead look at what the larger picture confirms about the true Bush priorities during a time of war. Some folks may conclude that Bush actually hates the troops given the support so lacking after the wounded veterans return home.
I highly doubt that because I believe that he and his admin are so detached and indifferent to others that whether veterans suffer or not, are killed or your "or not", they just aren't that into it. Oh sure, when troops are killed, it is a political inconvenience but if fatalities carried any weight whatsoever, I think we'd have had much different war strategery.
The fact that returning troops are being shortchanged is pretty consistent with all previous treatment so I guess surprise is not an emotion I'd associate with this news.
The horrific stories coming out of Walter Reed may in fact do more to highlight the Bush incompetence than any other war reporting thus far. It is truly shameful to have occurred and equally shameful if not telling that no high level Bushies have forward to reassure the American public that this is not acceptable.
How long before the long knives come out for anyone talking about this one?...I'm guessing the pushback starts tomorrow. Look for calls for Hull and Priest to be investigated for obtaining unauthorized access to WR starting tomorrow..... Does it embolden the enemy to acknowledge that the people running this clusterfuck don't give a shit about soldiers in Iraq or if and when they ever return?
So sad.....Johnny Get Your Gun part deaux? (sp)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
An observation from a Dead concert
After the show, on the way out, we saw someone up on a Jersey barrier haranguing the crowd, and I heard him say, "What you do with your peanut butter is your own business!" As good a summing up of this show as any, I think.seems to indicate an accepted conception of if sayin..."well, he's from Jersey"...but, truth be told we do go thru alot of peanut butter.
Kinda Uncomfortable...
Isn't this like giving a trophy to very skilled players who beat the wheelchair guys?
I don't know who was/is on then other team but does it need to be put on CNN?
Isn't this like giving a trophy to very skilled players who beat the wheelchair guys?
DETROIT - Jasmine McCall scored 23 points in Wayne State’s 132-13 rout of Temple Baptist on Saturday.
The 119-point margin of victory was three points shy of the NCAA Division II record. West Texas A&M defeated National Christian 155-33 on Nov. 29, 2001.
The Warriors made 58 field goals, four shy of the NCAA mark of 62 set by Norfolk State on Nov. 20, 1990, against Fayetteville State.
I don't know who was/is on then other team but does it need to be put on CNN?
Paper of Record..
details some of the CIA torture tapes with astonishing obliviousness to the "no shit Sherlock" factor.
One thing missing from this graph would be the who and why on legal vs. political...which would seem to be pertinent to the discussion of WHO was covering majority party ass....
Would it not be prudent to point out that Goss had control over any oversight? Just asking...but in case there is any confusion, Harman thought destroying the tapes was illegal...and Goss weighed in on the political implications.
One thing missing from this graph would be the who and why on legal vs. political...which would seem to be pertinent to the discussion of WHO was covering majority party ass....
But both Porter J. Goss, then a Republican congressman from Florida and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and Representative Jane Harman of California, the ranking Democrat, thought destroying the tapes would be legally and politically risky. C.I.A. officials did not press the matter.
Would it not be prudent to point out that Goss had control over any oversight? Just asking...but in case there is any confusion, Harman thought destroying the tapes was illegal...and Goss weighed in on the political implications.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Could be the..
craziest mofo ever....institution crazy I mean...
Terje's First Descent - The most amazing videos are a click away
Terje's First Descent - The most amazing videos are a click away
Thursday, December 27, 2007
This Isn't Exactly...

man bites dog..but why, why doesn't any serious media cover the "religious" mafia and how they empty the pockets of their dipshit followers? Even so, I'm guessing they are Republicans and will always be so....good luck with that.
Bhutto Assassinated....
but not by a tiger.... It's a big story but can you imagine if she was killed by a tiger?
Now, that would have been sad but priceless in... ya know a sad kinda way that assissinations are....but still, if you're gonna get whacked in'd think a tiger mauling would be a pretty cool way to go.
Now, that would have been sad but priceless in... ya know a sad kinda way that assissinations are....but still, if you're gonna get whacked in'd think a tiger mauling would be a pretty cool way to go.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
From The You Can't....

make this stuff up dept...
I mean, you go to the zoo for a nice day out and you get MAULED BY A TIGER???? Wow....
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Religion Blogging...
A few questions for the Repugs religious and rightous...Huck and Mitt..
For Huck: If my wife doesn't submit it ok to take the gloves off?
For Mitt: Is it true that only Mormons can get into Super-Heaven?
If I go to a dead baby I have to bring a gift?
For Huck: If my wife doesn't submit it ok to take the gloves off?
For Mitt: Is it true that only Mormons can get into Super-Heaven?
If I go to a dead baby I have to bring a gift?
Friday, December 14, 2007
Baseball Blogging..
not too much to say other than hopefully the Yanks can get a decent clubhouse dealer this year.... Whoever they have been using lately is not getting the job done.
Can you trade for those guys or do you have to go free agent?
Can you trade for those guys or do you have to go free agent?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Lawrence O'Donnell...
has the ultimate takedown on Romney's "religion" speech and those crazy ass Mormons..whoa!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
The Forgotten King..
is Freddie but he was idea what ever if anything happened to him.
In opposite world...BB and Albert would say...yes he is heavy and he ain't my brother....
In opposite world...BB and Albert would say...yes he is heavy and he ain't my brother....
I think John Candy's..
name in P,T& A's ws me thinking about Del's and there aren't that many I wouldn't think....but here's a good one.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
The Repugs You Tube...

debate was not easy to watch or listen to on the radio and I did a bit of both last week. High entertainment but the pandering to low IQ'ers gets on your nerves after a while.
Probably why my mind wandered to baseball and I mentally gave the guys a quick scouting report....
Guliani: Overated in all facets of the game. Thinks he's a power hitter and swings for the fence everytime....some bloops that turned into doubles due to fielder errors have him thinking he's in line for a future batting title. Weak arm and limited range in the field.
Huckster: Line drive hitter who might learn to hit for average. Good defensive skills and doesn't try to do to much. Fans seem to appreciate his hustle.
Thompson: Over the hill and can't catch up with hard stuff. Fans remember his legend more than actual performance. Too slow to advance even if he does get on base with a walk. No intimidation factor here.
Paul: Surprising opposite field power but can't run the bases...will chase breaking stuff out of the zone. Not agile enough to play in the field but plays in the wrong league with no DH.
Romney: Switch hitter who can only hit fastballs but swings at everything. Can be picked off on base and prone to errors in the field. Kinda guy that likes to admire his own home runs and might be due for a dusting from the right pitcher.
McCain: Another switch hitter who has changed leagues too many times to be effective as clean up guy. Used to play hard ...Had high upside years ago but now is at the tail end of a long term deal and no longer worth the money...has embarrassed himself and his team more and more often.
Trancedo: Replacement player with no discernible skills
Hunter: Couldn't carry Trancedo's jock.
Probably why my mind wandered to baseball and I mentally gave the guys a quick scouting report....
Guliani: Overated in all facets of the game. Thinks he's a power hitter and swings for the fence everytime....some bloops that turned into doubles due to fielder errors have him thinking he's in line for a future batting title. Weak arm and limited range in the field.
Huckster: Line drive hitter who might learn to hit for average. Good defensive skills and doesn't try to do to much. Fans seem to appreciate his hustle.
Thompson: Over the hill and can't catch up with hard stuff. Fans remember his legend more than actual performance. Too slow to advance even if he does get on base with a walk. No intimidation factor here.
Paul: Surprising opposite field power but can't run the bases...will chase breaking stuff out of the zone. Not agile enough to play in the field but plays in the wrong league with no DH.
Romney: Switch hitter who can only hit fastballs but swings at everything. Can be picked off on base and prone to errors in the field. Kinda guy that likes to admire his own home runs and might be due for a dusting from the right pitcher.
McCain: Another switch hitter who has changed leagues too many times to be effective as clean up guy. Used to play hard ...Had high upside years ago but now is at the tail end of a long term deal and no longer worth the money...has embarrassed himself and his team more and more often.
Trancedo: Replacement player with no discernible skills
Hunter: Couldn't carry Trancedo's jock.
Friday, November 30, 2007
While We're on...
the JT songs...Alison delivers as usual...
Jerry Douglas dobro'ing if I'm not mistaken...and I'm pretty sure I'm not.
Jerry Douglas dobro'ing if I'm not mistaken...and I'm pretty sure I'm not.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Youthful Indescretions...

was Henry Hyde's excuse for cheating on his wife when he was in his forties....ok but what is the excuse for wearing his pants up to his armpits? Probably choked the old goat to death. Good Riddens...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
It Ain't a Dead Hooker...

or even a live boy but it may be close enough...and the piling on we are likely to see in the next few days are going to make our week for sure...let's just sit back and watch the fireworks....
Monday, November 26, 2007
Malibu Was Burning..
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Baseball Blogging...
Angels got Tori Hunter...and they are still looking at Tejada or Cabrerra...hmmm...
OK....if you're gonna spend, you've got some good ones there...developing..
OK....if you're gonna spend, you've got some good ones there...developing..
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
It's Not News....

if everybody already knows about it I guess...probably why the LA Times saw fit to put Scott McClellen's relevations about WH lies on page A20.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Broken Government...

is the latest book by John Dean, the former White House counsel for the Nixon Admin. way back in the Watergate years. Lately he is better known for his frequent criticisms of the Bush/Cheney serial lawbreaking.
I got a chance to hear him speak at a local Democrat Club event yesterday and came away pretty impressed. Brilliant guy with a terrific grasp of multitudes of issues who really understands the nuts and bolts of government. I think that 08' candidates would help themselves by listening to his take on process and the effect that can have on future elections. His book was on my reading list for a while but as I started to delve in last night, I found a unique understanding of his prospective and insight. Seems like a good read so far...
Friday, November 16, 2007
These Guys ....
were actually pretty good.....although we used beat up people that admitted to having their albums...go figure.
Baseball Bugs...
just to the right is always a treat....The Gas House Gorillas vs. the Teetotalers....gotta love it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Ford is Coming...
out with the new Mustang...going be known as the Bullitt Edition and only limited production is planned. 315 Horses and a very cool looking car...certainly reminiscent of the movie. But...and it's a big one...ain't no car gonna make you Steve McQueen driving it.
Luckily we can watch the original pared down to the important parts..
Luckily we can watch the original pared down to the important parts..
Friday, November 09, 2007
Not that Much Dave Alvin...
out there...especially off of this particular album...this is the title cut and a good one too, Every song on that album is worth a listen...California Snow is a Tom Russell and Dave collaboration I believe...I'll look for it and I know what to do with it too...
A RE-Post sure but...
She still sings like an angel...looks like Steve Earle, Lyle Lovett, Peter Rowan et al....agree too.
Great version..
Of Midnight Moonlight by a charter member of of Old and In the Way....Peter Rowen..
Good stuff...
Good stuff...
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Natalie and REM frontman Michael Stipe..
from way back in '93.....good stuff.
Via Curley in NY...thanks.
Via Curley in NY...thanks.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Oh Yeah...
It's gonna be 85 degrees here this weekend....I may decide to have a cold adult beverage near the water somewhere.....I just might...
Blog Off, Blog On......
Red Sox bummed me out this week so much I took the week off blogging. ...I did however begin a new running routine after a bad wheel forced a 5 week layoff. Looks like I'll complete a cautious but respectable 25 miles to start. Amazing how much you can miss something so ordinary. Anyway....on to the Hot Stove league and politics for the next few months....God I hate the Red Sox.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Baseball Blogging...
Red Sox win and A-Rod opts out of his contract. It's gonna be a long winter for Yankee fans. Ugh.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Glenn Beck...
is an asshole on so many levels that it's hard to pick just one. His comments about people in CA hating America would I assume include the Marines and their families who live at and adjacent to Camp fucking San Diego county. Most of the areas being affected by the wildfires have very large numbers of republicans but no one out here thought to ask that question during one of the largest natural disasters in a hundred years or so.
So Glenn...fuck off....I hope you get cancer and then hit by a bus crossing the street to a hospital to receive life saving treatment.
So Glenn...fuck off....I hope you get cancer and then hit by a bus crossing the street to a hospital to receive life saving treatment.
Monday, October 22, 2007
So Cal...

is burning and most people are saying it is going to get much worse before it gets any better. Temps up around 100 and winds gusting into the 70 mph range though out much of Southern Cal creates the perfect environment for fires. The resources necessary to fight the various fires that are so spread out are not fully available in state. CA officials are reaching out to neighboring states for add'l help.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Coolest...
act on the strip 40 years ago.....40? Can someone check that? Yup 40...Hmmmm...seems less but whatever...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Suicide Blogging...
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention..if the Red Sox win I'm not gonna kill myself but I am going to drive around looking for "Nation" celebrants and methodically run them over with my car that sports Yankee license it what you want but I call it mental health.
without listening first because I'm listening to Ray La-man-tan-yay...don't ask me to spell it....getting back to the post, it's gotta be good because it's Van and Solomon Burke.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Holy Shit...
Bill Moyer's on PBS piece with journalist Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater is a stunning indictment of that company. Crazy right wing bat shit a-holes...but don't tell them I said that...K?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Play Off Blogging...
Manny "who cares" Ramirez punctuates his ridiculous statements from yesterday by running a double into a single....unbelievable.
Say it Ain't so, Joe.....

The Joe Torre era as manager of the NY Yankees came to a close today after he predictably turned down an offer which included a salary cut and an unusual incentives package.
It's sad to see Joe go after 12 years...12 years of winning I might add. I hope that the Yankees haven't made a huge mess of things and unecessarily complicated the free agent signings for key players. I'm not big on change for change sake.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Stay Classy Manny...

because it is soooo like you.
Last night Manny Ramirez from Boston stood at home plate admiring his home run with his arms raised triumphantly for a good 5 seconds before it occurred to him to start trotting off the bases. Problem was that Boston still trailed by 4 runs at that point...can someone please explain how a such self centered imbecile can appeal to any fan anywhere? I just don't get it.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Playoff Blogging..

Those pesky Indians don't want to seem to keep to the script, do they? First, they hand it to the Yankees and now they are making considerable noise against the Sox. Hard believe that Westbrook was the same pitcher the Yanks teed off on last week.
Congrats to the Rockies who look like they may not lose again this year. Whoever plays them will have their hands full and we may have a helluva series on tap.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Watching the Red Sox Lose..
is oddly enjoyable in a way very close to watching the Yankees win....conversely...yeah, there's that part too.
Anyway for the 2% of the population that doesn't believe the Curt Schilling is a's some pretty compelling evidence...He thinks that by showing up and blaming himself, that no one will blame him.
I'm guessing the clubhouse sounded like:
OK, then..This one's on Curt guys!...(you suck schilling...lost the game for us asshole...take your interview into the parking lot loudmouth....pray this jerkoff...your wife is a lousy lay)
Anyway for the 2% of the population that doesn't believe the Curt Schilling is a's some pretty compelling evidence...He thinks that by showing up and blaming himself, that no one will blame him.
Although Schilling was not scheduled to appear in the postgame interview room, he showed up unannounced and took the blame for the loss.
“There is no one in this clubhouse who should feel bad in the clubhouse but me,” Schilling said. “Everything about this one falls on me.”
Before his first pitch, Schilling stood behind the mound, bowed his head and said a prayer, which is his usual routine. He loves the October stage as much as any player and has excelled on it more than most players. Entering Saturday, Schilling was 9-2 with a 1.93 earned run average in the playoffs.
I'm guessing the clubhouse sounded like:
OK, then..This one's on Curt guys!...(you suck schilling...lost the game for us asshole...take your interview into the parking lot loudmouth....pray this jerkoff...your wife is a lousy lay)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
You Would Think..

you are pretty much safe from this kinda thing when you live on an island...but they friggin swam over!
will thank me eventually for this one...a goodie for sure
Bela Fleck and name.
Bela Fleck and name.
Tiny Bradshaw...
can lay it down.....Train Kept a-rolling is a good one but nothing beats..Breakin up the House...that one is a find.
I was Born...
just a few years too late to attend this performance...course I'd probably be living on the street now but still.......
Friday, October 12, 2007
I'd like to point out..
that I had this way, way, way before anyone else did...I just did.
PS...I believe I had it in b/w orignally...
PS...I believe I had it in b/w orignally...
Et Tu Sanchez?..
Tuna Blogging...Papa John Edition..
Remember how good Papa John Creech was with Hot Tuna? Man....way, better than good. Many concerts I saw that he was a part of were some of the most memorable live Tuna. He had a few solo studio efforts that I am searching for...Brand New Day was the single on one album.....also had a instrumental Over the Rainbow that is findable on line....I need the Brand New Day though...
anyway, here's Come Back Baby....
anyway, here's Come Back Baby....
Baseball Blogging...
All of a sudden I become an Indians fan....and then they pull the Charlie Brown on me...WTF?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Baseball Blogging...DOH! Edition.
As were my pre-playoff predictions. Man, am I an idiot.
Yanks in 4....Sox in 5....Cubs in 5...Phils in 4...Yanks in 7....Phils in 6...Yanks in 6...
Monday, October 08, 2007
Take it Outside...

Godboy...(head nod to the Simpsons)
Paul Byrd the Cleveland pitcher for tonight's game apparently has definite views on the MLB lifestyle....
Paul Byrd is writing what he calls a "spiritual journal" that he is going to have published in book form and hopes to have on the market by spring training. It's called "The Free Byrd Project," a candid and graphic look at how he has managed to remain true to his faith despite the pitfalls associated with a ballplayer's daily lifestyle.
"It's not politically correct. It's not for a 10-year-old. It's not a bubble gum-feel good book. It's only for a certain audience," Byrd said. "It's more of a personal account of things I've struggled with conversations I've had with Atheist ballplayers, coming clean with some issues I've had, like struggling with pornography on road trips when you're missing your wife all those things you encounter because of this lifestyle. So it's not a book that shows me as having it all together. But it's not going to point fingers or sell anybody out. If anything, it's going to just be me selling myself out a little bit with some of my struggles."
He's gonna be tough to beat if God is on his team.
Baseball Blogging...

I had a hard time beleiving that 4 teams could be swept in the division series and having the Yankees play last shored me up pretty well. Nice to see the Big Mo tilting back to an even keel for tonight's match up of Byrd and Wang. The Yankees have hit Byrd well in the past so hopefully the past will repeat itself and send everyone to Cleveland for game 5. But 1st things 1st and all that stuff...
Saturday, October 06, 2007
You Gotta be Kidding Me...

McCain making Henny Youngman references? 90% of the population...not voting population...90% of people with a verifiable pulse don't know or care who the fuck Henny Youngman is. Give me a break please...speeches to the Rotary Club will not likely make him a future president.
He should start to think about his reputation and how he might ever muster a recovery to that lost virtue. Pitiful.
(I know the McCain campaign doesn't have much money but apparently they had enough to get the reporter for the Times laid to write the love story)
Phillies and Cubs..
are out....both swept. So then there are 6 left....
No way 4 teams are swept out of division way.
No way 4 teams are swept out of division way.
Torture R Us...or ..Is Us Not....
Can you imagine if the enemy captured dear leader and decided to torture him to gain operational knowledge and secrets of our nefarious intentions?
I'm guessing that after intense application of (our standards of) non-torturous methods...the finding would be a furious head scratching debate over whether they were up against the most clever and incredibly strong willed individual ever imagined...or...just some idiot with such obvious limited ability that it can't be possible we are worried about these dickheads...
I'm guessing that after intense application of (our standards of) non-torturous methods...the finding would be a furious head scratching debate over whether they were up against the most clever and incredibly strong willed individual ever imagined...or...just some idiot with such obvious limited ability that it can't be possible we are worried about these dickheads...
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Kinda Backwards if you ask me..

to have these people more than marginally involved in national politics. What is there...a couple thousand population between the 2 of them?....who gives a shit what they think?
The screenshot above is from the Iowa State website Homeland Security Page....I think they may be kidding themselves into a little more self importance than actually justified.
via Atrios of course
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Baseball Blogging....Playoff Editions..

Start now.
I've recorded my picks on the post-season match-ups but am reluctant to post for fear of jinxing most of my picks. I have a dated draft so I will post after the WS and we'll see how I did.
The start times on the 1st round are a challenge for any working person. Good thing that apparentlly bloggers sit around in apartments in their pj's and don't have to worry about it. I guess I should be fine then.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sports Blogging.. they used to say in the newspaper biz...National League is more interesting than the American League...for a few days anyway. ...Very fun BB in NY and Philly...heres hoping for the rare single game playoff.....1978 in Fenway redux?
Big race in Sandy Hook also....a half marathon under expected sunny and temperate conditions should be a great experience for all.....except the always sucks for them.
Big race in Sandy Hook also....a half marathon under expected sunny and temperate conditions should be a great experience for all.....except the always sucks for them.
Friday, September 28, 2007
The Guy...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Baseball Blogging
Saturday, September 22, 2007
At Some Point..
People need to state the obvious...
If you voted for George Bush...and you continue to support him...then you need to send your children to the military to support those policies you voted for. All of your kids need to go to the nearest recruitment center. Right?
If you voted for George Bush...and you continue to support him...then you need to send your children to the military to support those policies you voted for. All of your kids need to go to the nearest recruitment center. Right?
Do I...
really need to point out to the NY Times that John McCain is nearly out of money...AND has no recent successes? How clueless or intentionally misleading can you be on this?
And Senator John McCain’s campaign, short on cash, is weighing whether to accept federal matching funds, which would limit what it can spend, but could allow it to capitalize on its recent successes by broadcasting television advertisements in its must-win state, New Hampshire.
Hey Rudy..
The prevailing Repug narative about civil rights since 911 has been that the average citizen should consider themself lucky not to get a trunchen beating for walking down the street....Now we hear that everyone should have a think I'm gonna get one for everyone in my family..dogs too!
Does this make even the slightest sense? In what possible way did 9/11 affect gun rights? Perhaps someone on his staff could explain?
Asked to explain Mr. Giuliani's remarks that his views on guns were shaped by Sept. 11, a campaign spokeswoman said, "he was making a point that personal rights such as the 2nd Amendment are even more critical in a post-September 11th world."
Crikey. How much more obvious can his campaign make it that he doesn't have the slightest idea what he's talking about and was just randomly inserting a 9/11 reference because he figured it sounded good?
Friday, September 21, 2007
I Think it was...
Lyndon Johnson who said that the "Vice-Presidency wasn't worth a warm bucket of spit".
I think that Lyndon could have grouped most "politicians" in that particular description. After the Webb Amendment filibuster, the failure to restore habeous corpus and the Senate actually voting on a fucking ad....warm spit might be high praise for some of these Washington scumbags.
I think that Lyndon could have grouped most "politicians" in that particular description. After the Webb Amendment filibuster, the failure to restore habeous corpus and the Senate actually voting on a fucking ad....warm spit might be high praise for some of these Washington scumbags.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Wax On, Wax Off...

Via TPM, we learn about the tenacious Henry Waxman's newest target. This bozo looks like a typical Bushie douchebag.
Baseball Blogging..
The races are heating up considerably heading into the last 2 weeks of the season. In the east, the Yanks are suprisingly close to Boston...just 3 games in the loss column. By virtue of winning the season series against the Sox, the Yankees don't need to pass Boston to win the division...they just need to tie them.
Wouldn't that be something?
Wouldn't that be something?
Monday, September 17, 2007
They Call it.....
Arlington Cemetary West and is located on the beach in Santa Monica, CA. Each cross represents a soldier who has died in Iraq. I can tell you that it is very hard to see this in person and not get choked up. It sadly brings home the reality of numbers. There were many people leaving flowers and walking silently amoung the crosses. Most were visibly moved by the experience.
They keep a running tally for the week and war. They say if they tried to include the Iraqi numbers, the whole beach would be filled.
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