Godboy...(head nod to the Simpsons)
Paul Byrd the Cleveland pitcher for tonight's game apparently has definite views on the MLB lifestyle....
Paul Byrd is writing what he calls a "spiritual journal" that he is going to have published in book form and hopes to have on the market by spring training. It's called "The Free Byrd Project," a candid and graphic look at how he has managed to remain true to his faith despite the pitfalls associated with a ballplayer's daily lifestyle.
"It's not politically correct. It's not for a 10-year-old. It's not a bubble gum-feel good book. It's only for a certain audience," Byrd said. "It's more of a personal account of things I've struggled with conversations I've had with Atheist ballplayers, coming clean with some issues I've had, like struggling with pornography on road trips when you're missing your wife all those things you encounter because of this lifestyle. So it's not a book that shows me as having it all together. But it's not going to point fingers or sell anybody out. If anything, it's going to just be me selling myself out a little bit with some of my struggles."
He's gonna be tough to beat if God is on his team.
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