Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hey Rudy..

The prevailing Repug narative about civil rights since 911 has been that the average citizen should consider themself lucky not to get a trunchen beating for walking down the street....Now we hear that everyone should have a think I'm gonna get one for everyone in my family..dogs too!

Does this make even the slightest sense? In what possible way did 9/11 affect gun rights? Perhaps someone on his staff could explain?

Asked to explain Mr. Giuliani's remarks that his views on guns were shaped by Sept. 11, a campaign spokeswoman said, "he was making a point that personal rights such as the 2nd Amendment are even more critical in a post-September 11th world."

Crikey. How much more obvious can his campaign make it that he doesn't have the slightest idea what he's talking about and was just randomly inserting a 9/11 reference because he figured it sounded good?

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