Sunday, December 30, 2007

Almost New Years...

So I'll remind of a few comments previously me.

the most revolting behavior of the Bush Gang before, during and if ever after the war but the treatment of injured and maimed troops has to rank pretty high on a long, long list. The WaPo approached the story correctly in my view, bypassing the Walter Reed public relations officers to expose a very compelling and sad story.

No need to recount the mistreatment to those who deserve much better as it is gaining pretty good traction in most media outlets.

Let's instead look at what the larger picture confirms about the true Bush priorities during a time of war. Some folks may conclude that Bush actually hates the troops given the support so lacking after the wounded veterans return home.

I highly doubt that because I believe that he and his admin are so detached and indifferent to others that whether veterans suffer or not, are killed or your "or not", they just aren't that into it. Oh sure, when troops are killed, it is a political inconvenience but if fatalities carried any weight whatsoever, I think we'd have had much different war strategery.

The fact that returning troops are being shortchanged is pretty consistent with all previous treatment so I guess surprise is not an emotion I'd associate with this news.

The horrific stories coming out of Walter Reed may in fact do more to highlight the Bush incompetence than any other war reporting thus far. It is truly shameful to have occurred and equally shameful if not telling that no high level Bushies have forward to reassure the American public that this is not acceptable.

How long before the long knives come out for anyone talking about this one?...I'm guessing the pushback starts tomorrow. Look for calls for Hull and Priest to be investigated for obtaining unauthorized access to WR starting tomorrow..... Does it embolden the enemy to acknowledge that the people running this clusterfuck don't give a shit about soldiers in Iraq or if and when they ever return?

So sad.....Johnny Get Your Gun part deaux? (sp)

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