Interesting developments on this Times story...According to the article, NATO and the US specifically had nothing to do with the raid on Pakistani militants and no high value targets were among the 80 reportedly killed. NBC News is reporting tonight that the US not only had a hand in the strike but that CIA drones were used effectively in the attack. This info was at odds with first reports and one can't help but wonder if the Pentagon was trying to keep it quiet initially. Perhaps waiting to take credit if Osama was somehow confirmed as part of the mix and downplaying or obscuring the level of participation in the event of a "no-name" conclusion. I think once the cat got out of the bag the Pentagon found itself playing defense and had to reposition on who was pulling strings. Either way it plays out (and I can't imagine we'll see lots of press follow up)...the imagery of burning American flags with shouting anti-American Pakistan protesters can't hurt the GOP get out the vote efforts. Whipping up a little old fashioned public square kill uncle Sam sentiment can go a long way in getting the base and near base to revisit the national security question.
Of course it is hard to ignore the timing and this one looks suspiciously like something out of the Rove playbook. I think I found the entry....lets see.....ok here it is:
Find Dog....Wag the motherfucker.
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