hung Obama in effigy as part of her holloween display...classy, classy person her. Check the article and my letter to the editor below...
Your front page Oct. 30 story about the McCain supporter hanging Barrack Obama in effigy was troubling to say the least. Her choice of imagery is stunningly offensive to most Americans with even a passing familiarity with our nation's history. For Ms. Castaneda to contend that she was unaware of the negative racial undertones associated with her display is hardly believable. Even so, it is not hard to see why most of the country has turned against politicians that seek to reduce politics to the lowest common denominator so to avoid even a cursory examination of the real issues we face today
Ms. Casaneda and similarly uninformed voters are reduced to citing demonstrably false talking points about bibles and flag pins that only highlight their embarrassing ignorance. Fortunately, this election cycle has proven to be worthy of discussions more focused on serious policy differences instead of the type of nonsensical issues Ms. Castaneda seems to prefer. I highly doubt that she would be able to correctly identify any actual policy positions on either side of the political spectrum. Sadly, that is emblematic of the right wing elements of the republican party that can only offer divisive and meaningless slogans instead of actual ideas that might in fact be helpful to the electorate.
I wonder if as a matter of principle or perhaps in protest if Ms. Castaneda will return the proceeds of the Obama tax cut she is almost certain to receive?