Monday, October 29, 2007
Baseball Blogging...
Red Sox win and A-Rod opts out of his contract. It's gonna be a long winter for Yankee fans. Ugh.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Glenn Beck...
is an asshole on so many levels that it's hard to pick just one. His comments about people in CA hating America would I assume include the Marines and their families who live at and adjacent to Camp fucking San Diego county. Most of the areas being affected by the wildfires have very large numbers of republicans but no one out here thought to ask that question during one of the largest natural disasters in a hundred years or so.
So Glenn...fuck off....I hope you get cancer and then hit by a bus crossing the street to a hospital to receive life saving treatment.
So Glenn...fuck off....I hope you get cancer and then hit by a bus crossing the street to a hospital to receive life saving treatment.
Monday, October 22, 2007
So Cal...

is burning and most people are saying it is going to get much worse before it gets any better. Temps up around 100 and winds gusting into the 70 mph range though out much of Southern Cal creates the perfect environment for fires. The resources necessary to fight the various fires that are so spread out are not fully available in state. CA officials are reaching out to neighboring states for add'l help.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Coolest...
act on the strip 40 years ago.....40? Can someone check that? Yup 40...Hmmmm...seems less but whatever...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Suicide Blogging...
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention..if the Red Sox win I'm not gonna kill myself but I am going to drive around looking for "Nation" celebrants and methodically run them over with my car that sports Yankee license it what you want but I call it mental health.
without listening first because I'm listening to Ray La-man-tan-yay...don't ask me to spell it....getting back to the post, it's gotta be good because it's Van and Solomon Burke.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Holy Shit...
Bill Moyer's on PBS piece with journalist Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater is a stunning indictment of that company. Crazy right wing bat shit a-holes...but don't tell them I said that...K?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Play Off Blogging...
Manny "who cares" Ramirez punctuates his ridiculous statements from yesterday by running a double into a single....unbelievable.
Say it Ain't so, Joe.....

The Joe Torre era as manager of the NY Yankees came to a close today after he predictably turned down an offer which included a salary cut and an unusual incentives package.
It's sad to see Joe go after 12 years...12 years of winning I might add. I hope that the Yankees haven't made a huge mess of things and unecessarily complicated the free agent signings for key players. I'm not big on change for change sake.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Stay Classy Manny...

because it is soooo like you.
Last night Manny Ramirez from Boston stood at home plate admiring his home run with his arms raised triumphantly for a good 5 seconds before it occurred to him to start trotting off the bases. Problem was that Boston still trailed by 4 runs at that point...can someone please explain how a such self centered imbecile can appeal to any fan anywhere? I just don't get it.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Playoff Blogging..

Those pesky Indians don't want to seem to keep to the script, do they? First, they hand it to the Yankees and now they are making considerable noise against the Sox. Hard believe that Westbrook was the same pitcher the Yanks teed off on last week.
Congrats to the Rockies who look like they may not lose again this year. Whoever plays them will have their hands full and we may have a helluva series on tap.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Watching the Red Sox Lose..
is oddly enjoyable in a way very close to watching the Yankees win....conversely...yeah, there's that part too.
Anyway for the 2% of the population that doesn't believe the Curt Schilling is a's some pretty compelling evidence...He thinks that by showing up and blaming himself, that no one will blame him.
I'm guessing the clubhouse sounded like:
OK, then..This one's on Curt guys!...(you suck schilling...lost the game for us asshole...take your interview into the parking lot loudmouth....pray this jerkoff...your wife is a lousy lay)
Anyway for the 2% of the population that doesn't believe the Curt Schilling is a's some pretty compelling evidence...He thinks that by showing up and blaming himself, that no one will blame him.
Although Schilling was not scheduled to appear in the postgame interview room, he showed up unannounced and took the blame for the loss.
“There is no one in this clubhouse who should feel bad in the clubhouse but me,” Schilling said. “Everything about this one falls on me.”
Before his first pitch, Schilling stood behind the mound, bowed his head and said a prayer, which is his usual routine. He loves the October stage as much as any player and has excelled on it more than most players. Entering Saturday, Schilling was 9-2 with a 1.93 earned run average in the playoffs.
I'm guessing the clubhouse sounded like:
OK, then..This one's on Curt guys!...(you suck schilling...lost the game for us asshole...take your interview into the parking lot loudmouth....pray this jerkoff...your wife is a lousy lay)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
You Would Think..

you are pretty much safe from this kinda thing when you live on an island...but they friggin swam over!
will thank me eventually for this one...a goodie for sure
Bela Fleck and name.
Bela Fleck and name.
Tiny Bradshaw...
can lay it down.....Train Kept a-rolling is a good one but nothing beats..Breakin up the House...that one is a find.
I was Born...
just a few years too late to attend this performance...course I'd probably be living on the street now but still.......
Friday, October 12, 2007
I'd like to point out..
that I had this way, way, way before anyone else did...I just did.
PS...I believe I had it in b/w orignally...
PS...I believe I had it in b/w orignally...
Et Tu Sanchez?..
Tuna Blogging...Papa John Edition..
Remember how good Papa John Creech was with Hot Tuna? Man....way, better than good. Many concerts I saw that he was a part of were some of the most memorable live Tuna. He had a few solo studio efforts that I am searching for...Brand New Day was the single on one album.....also had a instrumental Over the Rainbow that is findable on line....I need the Brand New Day though...
anyway, here's Come Back Baby....
anyway, here's Come Back Baby....
Baseball Blogging...
All of a sudden I become an Indians fan....and then they pull the Charlie Brown on me...WTF?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Baseball Blogging...DOH! Edition.
As were my pre-playoff predictions. Man, am I an idiot.
Yanks in 4....Sox in 5....Cubs in 5...Phils in 4...Yanks in 7....Phils in 6...Yanks in 6...
Monday, October 08, 2007
Take it Outside...

Godboy...(head nod to the Simpsons)
Paul Byrd the Cleveland pitcher for tonight's game apparently has definite views on the MLB lifestyle....
Paul Byrd is writing what he calls a "spiritual journal" that he is going to have published in book form and hopes to have on the market by spring training. It's called "The Free Byrd Project," a candid and graphic look at how he has managed to remain true to his faith despite the pitfalls associated with a ballplayer's daily lifestyle.
"It's not politically correct. It's not for a 10-year-old. It's not a bubble gum-feel good book. It's only for a certain audience," Byrd said. "It's more of a personal account of things I've struggled with conversations I've had with Atheist ballplayers, coming clean with some issues I've had, like struggling with pornography on road trips when you're missing your wife all those things you encounter because of this lifestyle. So it's not a book that shows me as having it all together. But it's not going to point fingers or sell anybody out. If anything, it's going to just be me selling myself out a little bit with some of my struggles."
He's gonna be tough to beat if God is on his team.
Baseball Blogging...

I had a hard time beleiving that 4 teams could be swept in the division series and having the Yankees play last shored me up pretty well. Nice to see the Big Mo tilting back to an even keel for tonight's match up of Byrd and Wang. The Yankees have hit Byrd well in the past so hopefully the past will repeat itself and send everyone to Cleveland for game 5. But 1st things 1st and all that stuff...
Saturday, October 06, 2007
You Gotta be Kidding Me...

McCain making Henny Youngman references? 90% of the population...not voting population...90% of people with a verifiable pulse don't know or care who the fuck Henny Youngman is. Give me a break please...speeches to the Rotary Club will not likely make him a future president.
He should start to think about his reputation and how he might ever muster a recovery to that lost virtue. Pitiful.
(I know the McCain campaign doesn't have much money but apparently they had enough to get the reporter for the Times laid to write the love story)
Phillies and Cubs..
are out....both swept. So then there are 6 left....
No way 4 teams are swept out of division way.
No way 4 teams are swept out of division way.
Torture R Us...or ..Is Us Not....
Can you imagine if the enemy captured dear leader and decided to torture him to gain operational knowledge and secrets of our nefarious intentions?
I'm guessing that after intense application of (our standards of) non-torturous methods...the finding would be a furious head scratching debate over whether they were up against the most clever and incredibly strong willed individual ever imagined...or...just some idiot with such obvious limited ability that it can't be possible we are worried about these dickheads...
I'm guessing that after intense application of (our standards of) non-torturous methods...the finding would be a furious head scratching debate over whether they were up against the most clever and incredibly strong willed individual ever imagined...or...just some idiot with such obvious limited ability that it can't be possible we are worried about these dickheads...
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Kinda Backwards if you ask me..

to have these people more than marginally involved in national politics. What is there...a couple thousand population between the 2 of them?....who gives a shit what they think?
The screenshot above is from the Iowa State website Homeland Security Page....I think they may be kidding themselves into a little more self importance than actually justified.
via Atrios of course
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Baseball Blogging....Playoff Editions..

Start now.
I've recorded my picks on the post-season match-ups but am reluctant to post for fear of jinxing most of my picks. I have a dated draft so I will post after the WS and we'll see how I did.
The start times on the 1st round are a challenge for any working person. Good thing that apparentlly bloggers sit around in apartments in their pj's and don't have to worry about it. I guess I should be fine then.
Monday, October 01, 2007
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